I have a question in regards to using an HEI distributor for 888 Mercruiser.

Alter Bootsmann

Seaman Apprentice
Jun 11, 2011
I have a 73 Mercruiser 888 in a 73 Dixie 18'. I have had the boat since 1995 and used it quite a bit. She is in fine shape as I have tried real hard to keep her running well. The engine was rebuilt in 1988 by a friend of mine who did a fine job. He did change out the carb for a Holley 4 barrell. Edelbrock intake w/ Performer cam. Forged pistons, Melling oil pump and an Excell dual point distributor and a new coil (back in 88).
What I was wanting to do now is install an electronic ignition system.
First problem, I don't have the stock distributor so I cannot use an electronic conversion kit. Unless one for dual points is made that will work with a late '80's Excell Distributor?
So, I thought about putting one of the Summit Racing HEI distributors on instead. That way I shoud be able to maintain a better starting ability and idle I hope.
My question is what do I do with the vacuum advance on the distributor? My current distributor, like the original OEM, does not have vacuum advance, only mechanical advance. Can I just take it loose from the dist. or will that cause problems? The automotive people just cannot give me a good answer.
Thanks in advance for any help.


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Supreme Mariner
Dec 8, 2005
Re: I have a question in regards to using an HEI distributor for 888 Mercruiser.

My current distributor, like the original OEM, does not have vacuum advance, only mechanical advance. Can I just take it loose from the dist. or will that cause problems? The automotive people just cannot give me a good answer.


No Marine distributor has a vacuum advance. All are either mechanical (centrifugal) or electronic advance. You cannot use a vacuum advance on a marine engine anyway (because it would not be a marine dist and not USCG SAE J1171 compliant)

There are probably more than a few aftermarket electronic marine distributors out there. Any one of them will work just fine.

If you want to go cheap, get the OEM dist and put a Pertronix system in it.

However if you want to spend money, MSD has a great one. I doubt the boat in your picture would benefit greatly from an MSD. Your other choice might be to get a newer Mercruiser Thunderbolt VI or V distributor. I see them on ebay once in a while and they're very reliable.


Mar 27, 2010
Re: I have a question in regards to using an HEI distributor for 888 Mercruiser.

Some items that are required to be Marine are the fuel pump, carb, alternator, starter and distributor. Basically anything that has fuel in it or can make a spark, or you risk the chance of having a fire onboard.

I have a feeling some of what you are running now isn't safe.

Alter Bootsmann

Seaman Apprentice
Jun 11, 2011
Re: I have a question in regards to using an HEI distributor for 888 Mercruiser.

Some items that are required to be Marine are the fuel pump, carb, alternator, starter and distributor. Basically anything that has fuel in it or can make a spark, or you risk the chance of having a fire onboard.

I have a feeling some of what you are running now isn't safe.

Look, This boat has been in this configuration since 1988. I have accumulated over 500 hours with absolutely fine performance. My question here is about changing mechanical ignition to electronic ignition. My current dist is not the original (not by my choice). However I have checked on getting a MARINE original dist. for this engine. Mercruiser no longer makes it.
So I am going to either continue using my current aftermarket dist. or get another one with electronic ignition. I am tired of changing points and I would like the easier starting too.
I am not concerned about the components being "marine". I do not have the boat insured anyway. So please don't lecture me on using MARINE hardware. I understand your concern but that is NOT my question.
What I want to know is can I use an aftermarket dist. "HEI" on my 302 FORD and disable the vacuum advance on the new HEI dist?


Supreme Mariner
Dec 8, 2005
Re: I have a question in regards to using an HEI distributor for 888 Mercruiser.

I am not concerned about the components being "marine". I do not have the boat insured anyway. So please don't lecture me on using MARINE hardware. I understand your concern but that is NOT my question.

That's pretty risky I guess. Your call.

There's probably not a lot of people here that are going willing to be a part of helping you hurt yourself or anyone else.

Some forums actually prohibit discussion of "illegal " modifications etc..... (I don't think this one does though)

Good luck.



Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: I have a question in regards to using an HEI distributor for 888 Mercruiser.

I am not concerned about the components being "marine". I do not have the boat insured anyway. So please don't lecture me on using MARINE hardware. I understand your concern but that is NOT my question.

Ayuh,... Welcome Aboard,....
If yer not concerned whether yer components are Marine rated or not,...
I guess you could Try whatever distributor ya wanta try...

Ya Need advance control, however it's derived,...
As explained before ya went off,...
Boats don't use vacuum, as the throttle is usually set quite Open...
That leaves mechanical, or electronic....

So,... To answer yer question,....
"What I want to know is can I use an aftermarket dist. "HEI" on my 302 FORD and disable the vacuum advance on the new HEI dist?"

Nope, Ain't gonna happen,...

Why would ya wanta throw good money on a bad distributor, that don't best fit yer application, anyways,..??
Yer buying new, buy Right....

Maybe yer just into Big Explosions,..??

Oh, 'n Rick,...
I don't think there's ever been a T-Bolt IV, or V for a SBF... ;)

Alter Bootsmann

Seaman Apprentice
Jun 11, 2011
Re: I have a question in regards to using an HEI distributor for 888 Mercruiser.

Bond-o, thanks for addressing my question. You see, when I bought the boat, the stock dist. was gone. The gentleman who rebuilt the engine in 1988 used an Accel dual point aftermarket dist. which I might add, only has mechanical advance and NO vacuum advance. Not saying that was a good idea but thats what has been on the boat for at least 700 hours (his time and my time combined). Since then, every so often, change the points, set the timing, good to go. Runs like a champ.
A couple years ago I started checking on a replacement (stock) marine dist for my 888.That way I could get one of the "Pertronix" systems and install it in place of the points on the "stock" type dist.
Everywhere I checked, NA. So, I decided to see if Accell made an electronic conversion for the dist. I already have. Couldn't find one of those either. SO..... A guy I know who builds engines suggested trying an HEI dist which basically eliminates your coil and has everything contained in the distributor. He also told me it would give me a stronger ignition spark too.
Well, thats where I'm at. When you own an antique boat and power train it is sometimes difficult to locate original marine or even aftermarket marine parts.
So basically yes, all I wanted to know before I became and "outlaw" or shall we say "Arrgghh Pirate" on here was, "does anybody know if you could just take the vacuum advance portion off the new electronic dist It would still have the mechanical / centrifigal advance? Das ist alles.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: I have a question in regards to using an HEI distributor for 888 Mercruiser.

SO..... I guy I know who builds engines suggested trying an HEI dist which basically eliminates your coil and has everything contained in the distributor. He also told me it would give me a stronger ignition spark too.

Ayuh,... There is a company out here in cyberspace that sells such a distributor,...
DUI, or something like that...
Google oughta dig something up for ya...
It's a HEI knock-off,...
I've never used 1, but haven't heard anything bad 'bout 'em either...

Pluggin' the vacuum on a distributor will give ya a lousy timing curve/ reactions...
Find the Right 1 for yer application,...;)

Alter Bootsmann

Seaman Apprentice
Jun 11, 2011
Re: I have a question in regards to using an HEI distributor for 888 Mercruiser.

Thank you, I will check it out.

Alter Bootsmann

Seaman Apprentice
Jun 11, 2011
Re: I have a question in regards to using an HEI distributor for 888 Mercruiser.

Bond-o, is this what you were referring to?


If it is, this is almost exactly the type of dist I was talking about except this is a race version (same as my old dual point dist) with no vacuum advance. This one here is a little pricey but it is what I am wanting to replace the existing non stock dist with.


Ahhhh! Even better! http://www.performancedistributors.com/marinedui.htm


Supreme Mariner
Dec 8, 2005
Re: I have a question in regards to using an HEI distributor for 888 Mercruiser.

Pluggin' the vacuum on a distributor will give ya a lousy timing curve/ reactions...
Find the Right 1 for yer application,...;)

Truth be known, I actually was able to make it work on an older engine I had. After removing the vacuum actuator from a standard GM HEI, I changed the weights on the centrifugal advance mechanism to make it advance the way I wanted. It worked fine, providing the correct advance at the right RPM and higher. (you can also just take it to a auto ignition place and have then do it on their dist machine. You just have to tell them what the advance curve has to look like and they screw with the weights and springs....)

I was also able to completely seal the cap too.. When I was done it looked just like that Davis Unified Ig model.

It was a LOT of trouble (to do) .

If I had it to do all over gain, I would just get the DUI.......

Oh, 'n Rick,...
I don't think there's ever been a T-Bolt IV, or V for a SBF... ;)
Oh, And Bill, given my previous experience with BBF's.......I try to BLOCK out any thoughts of FORD altogether!! So it's no surprise that little tidbit of info completely escaped me!! :p

dan t.

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 28, 2008
Re: I have a question in regards to using an HEI distributor for 888 Mercruiser.

:mad:Well I hate to knock anybody but Performance Distributors are CRAP. I bought 2 sets of their coil,cap ,rotor and module sets to put in a Gm hei dist. This was being used in an oval track car, wont rev over 5000 ,replaced with stock pieces 1 at a time, after I got rid of their coil and module it pulled to 6500 with out any trouble. Sent the stuff back, never heard from them, tried to call,they denied even selling to me. Expensive lesson, STAY AWAY:mad:
Mar 27, 2010
Re: I have a question in regards to using an HEI distributor for 888 Mercruiser.

Look, This boat has been in this configuration since 1988. I have accumulated over 500 hours with absolutely fine performance. My question here is about changing mechanical ignition to electronic ignition. My current dist is not the original (not by my choice). However I have checked on getting a MARINE original dist. for this engine. Mercruiser no longer makes it.
So I am going to either continue using my current aftermarket dist. or get another one with electronic ignition. I am tired of changing points and I would like the easier starting too.
I am not concerned about the components being "marine". I do not have the boat insured anyway. So please don't lecture me on using MARINE hardware. I understand your concern but that is NOT my question.
What I want to know is can I use an aftermarket dist. "HEI" on my 302 FORD and disable the vacuum advance on the new HEI dist?

I am truly happy for you in that you were able to use your boat, acquiring that much time on it without an incidents. HOWEVER, what you have is a backyard setup. IF you ever had a fuel line leak under the engine cover, that could have been a totally different statment.

IF you plan on replacing the distributor, then I as a fellow boater, who may or may not be fishing on the side of you one day with my family, would appreciate if you would investigate getting marine rated parts that have the proper spark arresting screens so that my family will be safe.



Mar 9, 2009
Re: I have a question in regards to using an HEI distributor for 888 Mercruiser.

Pertronix sells a billet distributor with their Ignitor II system in it for the 302/351w. I have it and it works just fine, it still has mechanical advance, so it's not a full HEI system, but no points. Seems like a solid unit and is marine-certified.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 9, 2009
Re: I have a question in regards to using an HEI distributor for 888 Mercruiser.

If looking for a "test" hei, skip white performance sells HEI for Ford and Chevrolet engines. An HEI will work and can be easily recurved for marine loads. Most stock HEI unit have total advance come in to late. With a simple spring change they can be recurved to almost any rpm range. Vacuum advance doesn't work as the load vacuum is low compared to auto cruising down the highway. There are vacuum advance block offs to remove the unit and cover the "hole" left. DUI marinizes thier units by drilling 2 holes in the bottom and using SS screen to cover them, this lets out the heavier then air fumes, and if a fire were to occur, the screen is supposed to "arrest" and prevent a boom. Marine distrubuters are to have a ventless cap which the hEI have standard.

Advantages to using an HEI (not referring to safer or meeting boating standards) Large cap reduces cross spark firing, post farther apart. "Hotter" spark less spark reduction to long coil leads. Simple 1 wire connection (12v source) Off the shelf parts and kits to tune to any curve or rpm. Low initial cost as compared to others.

Disadvantages large size might no fit under engine cowlings or heat exchanger plumbing, doesn't have proper hookup for some engines specialty wiring. Tach might not read accurately due to signal generated by module.

I had researched and found no coil in cap marine certified distributor, this might be more because GM owned HEI and was never used in a marine environment. Points was used upto late 80's for marine use. If someone were to convert to coil on plug system like the auto manufactures are using now, would that be "safe" ? A coil then could arc and cause sparks outside the engine, there would be no distributor at all. So is the HEI a bad distributor? I would say no, it can handle the load and environment, is the HEI code compliant? NO but can it be made safer.

Technology will make the old rules change, fuel injection with its higher pressures are here now, I haven't heard of a marine rated throttle body. Electric pumps with pressure up to 60psi are used now. I'm not saying its right to use an HEI unit, all I'm saying it can be made to work very easily.