Re: I have a bent skeg
be careful with that, the alloy can be alittle brittle, so trying to bend it cold could result in a missing skeg..<br /><br />gentle heat is the key.. and not using a hammer..<br /><br />gentle heat because you don't want to warp the gearcase.. aluminium transfers heat very well.<br /><br />I fixed a bent skeg by rigging up a simple press by using a huge Gclamp and to bits of wood. did it slowly, it worked well.<br /><br />just some thoughts.<br /><br />regards<br /><br />Frank.<br /><br />PS. if it doesn't affect your boat noticeably, then you don't need to rush in and straighten it.. but whatever you do, be careful.. and don't take an oxy to it. (a propane torch gives well and truely enough heat to help it straighten.)