I got one Christmas Gift - what you give is what you get

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
This is too funny... <br />Christmas is kinda for kids, but we all like to get something sometimes, no matter what... Except Bills.. They suck...<br />Anyway 2 years ago my mom wrapped up a box of matches and also a stick lighter.. for yours truely. At the sametime I too was a wrapping up dryer sheets for her.. We laughed so hard at each other you had to be there..<br />Here is how it got to that.. Well I was taking all her matches when I ran out and we share the dryer. I also was borrowing the dryer sheets too. So I replaced the box with 2-boxes wrapped pretty.. She gave me matches so I would stop taking hers... I gave her dryer sheets so she would stop the complaining...<br /> Now she would borrow eggs, milk, ice cream, movies, potatoes, onions, etc..<br />I felt I was cashing in my favor with the matches..<br /> Here is my input about Christmas...<br />Christmas is suppose to be the celebration of Jesus being born, not the profits that can be made or the gift giving involved.. I love christmas, even when I was broke and had no money and I slept in my car for 2 weeks in the middle of winter.. Grant you I was 20 and very subburn and not giving an inche to call my mom for help.. Christmas is not just giving but knowing who and what kind of person you are inside.<br />So with that... I am sure I'm going to get afew Blah, Blah humbugs...<br />I have a roof over my head, food on table, a boat in the yard, a nice son, a warm fire place and a filled heart..


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 15, 2005
Re: I got one Christmas Gift - what you give is what you get

Amen sister!<br />Christmas is all about the birth of Jesus and human goodwill.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 9, 2005
Re: I got one Christmas Gift - what you give is what you get

My wife and I go to the turkey shoots evey sunday from mid october to mid april. Two years ago i bought her a browning gold 12ga. for christmass....for the rest of the year she never let it go that i gave her a gun for christmass. Now she loves it....she shoots pretty good and wins once and awhile and she wont let me use it now.So last christmass i bought myself the same gun!!!<br />Also i know what it is like to have to live in your car....i have done it before too. One whole summer in huston.I moved there on a whim to work construction and just couldnt find a place to live.So i just worked, saved my money and left at the end of summer.

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
Re: I got one Christmas Gift - what you give is what you get

You get quite creative living in your car.. Here are the best words of advice I ever got.. She was a lady I worked with(manager) in a store in Albany, Or: You are a young adult and strong willed, enough to make it on your own with out having to crawl back to mommy for help. Your mother isn't going to be around for ever, so you better toughin up and get your head out of your ars. You have alot of friends and a sucky job, but I will support you with advise, not money, and help you make it. The work is up to you and how you do things in life will depend on how you want to be viewed as a person in the future.. So stop crying and get back to work... I got to tell you that lady was a great strong mean ars women when she wanted to be.. She was married to a man that would tie her up in the bedroom at nite while he got drunk. One nite the house caught fire and she had to hurl herself out the window, chair and all.. She told me this becuase I had just left a bad relationship and wanted to go home to mommy..<br /> Oh ya it was christmas...


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 9, 2005
Re: I got one Christmas Gift - what you give is what you get

Yeah...i know what it is like, I spent many christmas's by myself...and it sucked!! Same thing , Iwasnt going to go crawling back home to nothing, to work on a farm. i guess it is like they say...what doesnt kill you , makes you stronger.