I Finally Got To See One


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 14, 2009
Unfortunately for the poor guy, today I finally got to see a SHT like I've read about many times on here. As I was driving to work this morning on a one way 3 lane state hwy right through the middle of town, just past a bridge construction project that went down to two lanes, their were flashing cop car
lights up ahead. I looked over to see what was going on and this is what I saw: A good size bass boat with a big outboard sitting on the grass in front of a motel. In front of the boat was a trailer. In front of the trailer was a wrecker. No tow vehicle was connected to the trailer.:eek: In the parking lot was a dodge dakota pickup with a bunch of people standing around. I can only assume:D that the boat and trailer became disconnected from the dakota and then:eek: the boat became disconnected from the trailer. This guy was extremely lucky, no other vehicles appeared to be involved, as this is a really busy stretch of road. And if this happened in the middle of the bridge construction, how the boat and trailer made it safely onto the grass without hitting anything I have no idea. I really hate to see something like this happen to anyone, but as i passed buy I couldn't help but think of IBOATS SHT!!! After going a few more blocks I turned around to go back and look again:D By then the wrecker had winched the boat back on to the trailer. No harm no foul I think but hopefully someone learned a valuable lesson today. CAN YOU SAY SAFETY CHAINS!!!!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 21, 2008
Re: I Finally Got To See One

suspect the boat fell off the trailer in traffic , then the tow truck dragged it to the grass to free up the lane, then they could not pull up the boat onto the trailer with the boat winch, so they unhooked the trailer, and positioned it behind the tow truck to winch the boat on. because the owner didnt have a safety chain on the boat winch/eye.
in which case the bottom the boat might be trash.


Jan 25, 2008
Re: I Finally Got To See One


...And transom straps,,, and a bow chain :rolleyes: Hopefully he learned his lesson

I knew a lady who towed a horse trailer all the time, she would use a little piece of bailing wire to hold the chains to the truck's hitch. I asked why she didn't have hooks, so that if the trailer were to come un-coupled, it would stay attached to the truck.

She said:



She didn't want to dent/scratch up the truck :eek:

Oh wait, I forgot the best part. The trailer did fall of the truck once, but everything was OK as the trailer coasted to a stop and the horses were fine... :rolleyes: (I was dating her daughter at the time, guess I dodged a bullet :D)


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 14, 2009
Re: I Finally Got To See One

The verdict is in;) The local paper ran a photo and a short story today. Their website didn't have it or I would post it. The trailer came unhooked from the truck and then the boat came off the trailer. It was a local retired couple on their way to a auto repair shop to have the boat and trailer inspected as it had been in storage for a few years and they were planning on using it now that their retired. Hope this doesn't ruin their "golden years!:D


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: I Finally Got To See One

The verdict is in;) The local paper ran a photo and a short story today. Their website didn't have it or I would post it. The trailer came unhooked from the truck and then the boat came off the trailer. It was a local retired couple on their way to a auto repair shop to have the boat and trailer inspected as it had been in storage for a few years and they were planning on using it now that their retired. Hope this doesn't ruin their "golden years!:D

It may ruin their insurance premiums !!!