Re: I fell for it!
I usually don't go for that kind of crap, but I just have a "hope" I guess that they may work pretty well on the lake I fish most... Lots of shad, grass, and I know those shad are the main food source...<br /><br />I was in a tournament a few months back and my partner was throwing a rouge at a laydown multiple times, covered it on both sides with multiple casts (good rouge fisherman btw)... I was in the back of the boat and saw a lone Shad just swimming along right beside the boat. And I'll never forget this, I actually said to the shad "you're one brave son of a b!$%^!... That shad slowly worked his way right over to that same laydown that my parter just finished rouging to death and a 3 pounder came out and swallowed him up..<br />We threw back at him with the rouge and I tried using a fluke with no result.. Pissed us both of beyond mentioning.<br /><br />At that point, I knew that a lot of these bass have seen every bait in the book... Maybe they have seen this one also.. But it looked good enough I guess for me to fall for it...<br /><br />I'll let you know...