Re: they help in any way?
Dakotashooter2, I'm on the lake about 3 days a week with 1 of 3 boats that I own, and I've ran all 3 without the fins, and yes, the most difference is noticed on the smaller of the 3, a 17" Basstracker with 70 HP Merc. My deep-vee, an 18' starcraft with 115 Johnson, I can lift the bow more without porposing, and in effect gain more speed.<br /> Most people are familuar with the ole' stingray, but I don't think people are paying much attention to what is known as the "new XP"<br />it's not the same as the older(Last years model)version. It is made of a different material and the Hydrofoil shape is redesigned.<br /> As far as cornering goes, there is no more force on the fin in a corner than straight away.<br /> The simple fact is: If you want a 90 MPH boat, go buy a 17ft Bassboat with a 250 on it and go....The fins do exactly what they were built to do, 99.9% of the time.....If you want to turn sharper...slow down. I've played with trolling plates and the hydrofoils sinse Harold Endsly put his name on the stingray, and they all serve there purpose very well!!! If you've had a bad experience with a fin, chances are something else was out of whack.<br /> I even insulted JB, by saying I thought the SE300 was a joke.....I bought one right after that, drilled 2 MORE holes in my cav. plate and Now I have to apologize to JB, because It worked just as good as my XP, which taught me not to insult until you've tried it. There is no "exact science" for every boat. These are guidlines and I hope anyone who reads these posts gets a "feel" for what they might be looking for........