Hurricane Prediction - Don't sound good Florida!


Staff member
May 29, 2003
This really is not good news. Can only hope they are wrong! You people in the south don't this again this year!<br /><br />***********************************************<br /><br />BAY ST. LOUIS, Miss. - The Atlantic Seaboard and the Gulf Coast could be in for another bad hurricane season, one of the government's top forecasters said Monday.<br /><br />Conrad C. Lautenbacher Jr., head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, predicted 12 to 15 tropical storms, seven to nine of them becoming hurricanes, and three to five of those major hurricanes, with winds of at least 111 mph.<br /><br />"We can't predict this far in advance how many will strike land," he said. But given the active season, "be prepared for two or three of these to make landfall."<br /><br />On average, the United States is hit by two major hurricanes every three years.<br /><br />Last year, there were 15 tropical storms, with nine of them hurricanes — six of them major. Florida got hit by an unprecedented four hurricanes.<br /><br />Lautenbacher said the 2005 forecast was based on a large number of factors, including air pressure, winds and surface temperature.<br /><br />Forecasters at Colorado State University have also predicted a significantly above-average Atlantic hurricane season. In April, William Gray and his team said they expect 13 named storms, including seven hurricanes, three of them major.<br /><br />The hurricane season begins June 1 and runs through Nov. 30.


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: Hurricane Prediction - Don't sound good Florida!

Ah.. It's the same deal every year.. 12-15 storms wih 3 or 4 major storms..<br /><br />The reason they put this info out at this time of year is so folks will get their supplies together early, but typically folks wait till the storm is right on top of em' to clean out all the grocery stores and department stores (buying crap they don't need :eek: ).... <br /><br />Attention.. Florida residents.. NO SALES TAX on hurricane supplies purchased June 1st - 12th... The of supplies that quailfy for ZERO sales tax include batteries, tarps, radios, coolers and even generators worth up to $750... Other supplies, such as plywood, are not covered...

Bob in Calif.

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Nov 4, 2002
Re: Hurricane Prediction - Don't sound good Florida!

That doesn't sound too good for the "Right Coast."<br />Here in Caliapornia, all we have to look forward to are those "pesky" earthquakes. :eek: <br /><br />...Bob in the "Shakey State"...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 12, 2003
Re: Hurricane Prediction - Don't sound good Florida!

I hate hurricanes! I hate the storms!! I hate the clean-up after them!!! But I really hate it cutting into my fishing time and churning up the water and making the fishing so bad!!!!!<br /><br />Three of them hurricanes tried to break me last year and I'm still here. Thank you God - Amen

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Hurricane Prediction - Don't sound good Florida!

:) Nothing like a good "OLE NOR'EASTER" or a "Hurricane" up here on the east coast!!! As kids we would play outside in them hurricanes!!!!<br />The news media has everybody paranoid today!!!!<br />What we call the "Back Shore" is open to the ocean and we would drive our vechicles along this stretch, 20-30 foot waves busting on the rocks and sending ocean spray and rocks onto the road and today the local police block the area when ever we have a hurricane!!!! ;) :cool:


Oct 6, 2003
Re: Hurricane Prediction - Don't sound good Florida!

Tornados up this way...always a crowd pleaser!<br />Oh summer is almost here. Yahoo