How to remove lower unit on Mariner 55?

Apr 22, 2002
Hi,<br /><br />I am trying to replace the impellor on my 1989 Mariner 55hp following the instructions in the Seloc manual. I am trying to remove the lower unit but it won't come free. I haven't been able to undo the gear linkage because I can't see how to do this - it doesn't bear any relation to the descriptions in the manual. I assume this is what is stopping the lower unit coming off? If so how do I undo the gear linkage? If it isn't the gear linkage how do I get the lower unit off?<br /><br />Thanks,<br /><br />Jonathan
Apr 22, 2002
Re: How to remove lower unit on Mariner 55?

Fixed it! I found another bolt holding the lower unit to the intermediate that was hidden behind the annode. Once I took that off the lower unit virtually fell off. The gear shift rod didn't need disconnecting either. The end of the shift rod has splines and that just pushes into the lower unit.<br /><br />Jonathan