How to partition a Fujitsu lifebook harddrive?


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 15, 2005
As some of you know, I decided to go with a dual boot windows/linux system. I have a fujitsu lifebook, which comes with windows xp home. The only disks that came with the laptop,(purchased new from fry's electronics) are a recovery disk and additional software disks. I have no option on the recovery disk to partition the harddrive. The only options are delete data, recover C:, recover harddrive. It looks like the only way I can do this is if I use a third party utility to shrink the existing partition, which I don't want to do. Anybody see an easy way around this?<br /> I do want a dual boot system, not just install linux and use wine.<br />TIA


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 6, 2005
Re: How to partition a Fujitsu lifebook harddrive?

I have done this on my desktop and I think a 3rd party partitiong prog(I used Partition Magic) is the best and simplest way to go.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 15, 2005
Re: How to partition a Fujitsu lifebook harddrive?

Yeah, it's looking that way deej. I sent an email to fujitsu support asking for an oem windows xp disc, but I'm sure I won't get one. I'll wait around a little longer, maybe someone has a workaround.

Paul Moir

Nov 5, 2002
Re: How to partition a Fujitsu lifebook harddrive?

Probably your best bet is to burn off a copy of the knoppix disc and use it to make a linux (ext3fs or ext2fs) partition. It has the Qtparted which you can use to free-resize your XP partition (likely NTFS).<br /><br /> <br /><br />If you can overcome this obstical yourself, you'll do fine with the rest of the installation. It's wise to backup all the important stuff on your HD first though.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 15, 2005
Re: How to partition a Fujitsu lifebook harddrive?

Thanks Paul, I'll probably end up going that route. Can't read through all that right now, but I bookmarked it and will go through it tonight. It really bothers me though that all Fujitsu offers is an iso image and no full install disk. I bought fujitsu because it was recomended as a quality brand. Had I known that I was not recieving a full instal disk I never would have bought Fujitsu.


Jul 5, 2001
Re: How to partition a Fujitsu lifebook harddrive?

knoppix is a good Linux OS and runs from the CD (or DVD if the current games version) you can create a floppy disk to use at boot up that has your configuration on it. At the boot prompt type "knoppix floppyconfig" also if you have a gig of ram (with the older version not the games version) type "knoppix toram" and load the OS into ram. partition magic is ok but really slow at resizing partitions, "Acronis disk director" is much faster!


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 15, 2005
Re: How to partition a Fujitsu lifebook harddrive?

Paul Moir, I burned Koppix and repartitioned my harddrive. I must say I was very impressed with knoppix. Something tells me I'm going to be disapointed with fedora core4, compared to knoppix. Thanks for the great recomend, it runs circles around winblows!


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: How to partition a Fujitsu lifebook harddrive?

You've got me interested. You say "it runs circles around winblows!". In what way?


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 15, 2005
Re: How to partition a Fujitsu lifebook harddrive?

Well, I can't do it justice BB, I'm new to the whole Linux thing and have a lot to learn about it. But here are some things that really impress me about knoppix, which is a Linux variant I guess.<br /> <br />It runs completely off the cd, no need to install.<br /><br /> It has many more configuration options than windows, which is good for people who like to tweak their computers. If you ever find yourself saying "man that sucks, why can't I .......", or, "geez, whats it doing now?" or " I didn't tell it to do that!" then you need Linux. <br /><br /> Also, you can have multiple desktops, you can sign on as a user with no administration rights, and if you need administration rights you will be asked for the password. No logging off and logging back on as administrator. You can then give up your admin rights after using it for a particular purpose or retain them for the rest of the sesion.<br /><br /> The disk partitioning tool is excelent, you can make existing partitions smaller without losing any data.<br /><br /> This is only touching the surface, I don't know much about it. If you are interested Boatbuoy, there is a big learning curve. I'm having dificulties understanding how to use the various configuration tools. Right now my sound card works in knoppix, but not fedora core 4. I can't get the wireless card to work in either. I'll have to do some research on the net to get those going.<br /><br /> The best thing about it is, it's free! If you're building your own computer that helps a lot, because windows is expensive.