How to clean Flywheel taper


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 10, 2015
Hi all, I'm hoping someone can guide me in the proper procedure for cleaning and lapping the flywheel taper mating surfaces. I found lots of crud on the crankshaft and the inside of the flywheel taper after removing it. All the service manual says it to clean the surfaces with OMC solvent cleaner. Thanks


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Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 19, 2022
i usually wipe the taper with solvent , inspect the condition iE: deep scoring etc, if all looks good i get a fine emery strip and lightly scuff the surface of both the crank and FW.
then i put some valve lapping past on the taper and spin it a few 1/8 turns back and forth with light pressure , lift the FW move to a different position and repeat till i have a consistent mating surface on both the FW and crank shaft.
use solvent again to clean lapping past .
tighten the FW nit or bolt to spec , , NOTE: do not use any oil , grease or antisieze on the taper .
OH , one other thing > remove the key first :) , some will need a pin punch to get it free , lightly file any burs from around the key area before lapping .


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 10, 2015
Thank you stresspoint, I will follow your direction. I used both isopropyl alcohol and then acetone to try to clean the tapers, they still have a bit of red residue on them. Will dig up some fine paper and then use lapping compound on it tomm.
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Jan 17, 2019
just 2 times with MEDIUM (not super fine) grit compound is all you need. By 2x i mean 1/4 turn till the sound of crunching turns smooth in one way, then flip the flywheel 90 degrees and do it again with fresh compound (rub earlier spent compound off the flywheel). thats all it takes to acheive a 87%+ taper lock, which is now in specification. wipe off with alcohol. acetone and mineral spirits or whatever really isnt needed as long as you get it clean with a white rag. stuff comes right off. sometimes i will stuff a rag or grease over the upper crank seal, as some models the flywheel taper is very close and there is a possibility of compound getting into the seal.