How to chum?


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 16, 2003
Dear List members,<br /><br />Can anyone tell me about how to chum? I would like to know what the chum is made of and how to distribute it in a "chum-line". I also would like to know if this is a legal tactic for getting fish into casting range (casting with plugs or fly). <br /><br />I have been told that one grinds up fish heads, guts and tails; and mixes it with oatmeal and sand. One then dribbles this off the stern of the boat in an unbroken line to attract the fish to which one is casting. Is this right or is someone putting me on? <br /><br />Has anyone had success doing this?<br /><br />Best,<br />JohnK


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 13, 2003
Re: How to chum?

I would imagine it all depends on the type of fish you are after...but in general, the description you gave should work.<br /><br />I have chummed several times for catfish at a local lake. My dad and I used to take a plastic 5 gallon bucket that used to have pickles, or something like that in it (one with a lid), and we would poor maise, water, chicken liver/blood, and if we had any fish cleaning remains handy we would toss those in as well.<br /><br />We would then let it sit out for a good 3-5 days, and let it get rotten, basically. Then we would take it out with us to the lake, get a pair of rubber gloves and a coffee can, and scoop and sling the 'chum' out into the fishing hole we were at. After the first few times we did it, the fish litterally 'expected' it...they knew what it was when it hit the water. Be sure not to get it on you, it smells terrible! <br />That worked for can do something similar for sharks..<br /><br />You said you are fly/plug fishing, so it's hard to say what you are after...but I'm sure something like this would work if you used a bait that the fish were interested in.<br /><br />Good luck!<br />Shawn

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: How to chum?

yeah,JOHN .. you got it right..<br /><br />the fly guys,here in the chesapeake ,, have to chum for rock/stripers.. it's a must..then when there in a feedin' frenzy.. the throw a black fly that looks like a piece of fish skin/meat..<br /><br />most bait shops sell frozen chum in a plastic bucket.. you punch many holes in it with a philips head .. ty a rope to the handle a hang it in the water somewhat.. not totally sumerged.. <br /><br />frozen works great cause the water 'lappin' at it melts it away just enuff an it lasts along time..


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 16, 2003
Re: How to chum?

Shawn,thanks for the response.<br /><br /> Is the objective to get the bottom feeders, like catfish, to come to the top, or just to get them to congregate in the fishing hole on the botton? Do you then put your tackle on the bottom is the normal way?<br /><br />I understood that the purpose was to get the fish your after up to the top of the water colume. The person who told me this was fishing for rock bass in the salt. He also used it over kelp beds.<br /><br />Sheesh! He didn't mention the chum had to be rottin. I'm not sure I'd like that stuff on my boat <G>.<br /><br />JohnK


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: How to chum?

You're right on the money JohnKee... (close enough for chum anyway) <br /><br />Fish heads, guts, and whatever leftover parts ground up and frozen in a block will do the trick... Stuff the frozen block in a chum bag (mesh dive bag) or a bucket full of holes and tie er' off the stern... <br /><br />Plenty of other methods too... I've seen some guys mix cat food , rabbit food, or oatmeal in with the mix of fish parts....<br /><br />Some store bought systems have a plastic tube (PVC) with a valve in which you put fish oil.. Adjust the valve to drip the oil out in a slick...<br /><br />Then there's chumming with live bait ect.. It's almost endless...<br /><br />Basicly, "if it stinks, it'll work"... ;)


Mar 16, 2002
Re: How to chum?

This might not be the kind of chuming that you guys are talking about, but the way that I do it is use a throw net and catch about 200 shad and put them in a bucket. Go to where I want to fish and take the shad, twist their heads so that it almost rips them in half and throw them in the water. Works great for Striper, White Bass and Catfish.


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 16, 2003
Re: How to chum?

Crab Bait,<br /><br />That sounds like a way of doing it that would at least keep my breakfast down. The bucket is over the side and one doesn't have to muck around in it with golves. You also didn't mention that it needs to be "ripe". (Those Texans must have strong stomaches! <G>)<br /><br />I see that I'm giong to hve to learn a thing or two about fishing the salt. I've fished for coho and Cutts in the salt but never thought of chumming first. I wonder if it would work on non-bottom feeders? Shawn mentioned it works on shark.<br /><br />Thanks,<br />JohnK


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 11, 2003
Re: How to chum?

John, <br />Here is how we chum in north florida. The purpose of chumming is to attract fish to your bait or casting range, get them comfortable eating the chum, then whammo, they hit bait with your hook in it, hopefully. We catch live fresh chum with a cast net, Menhadden (pogies localy) are baitfish that are about 6-10 inches long. We usualy throw some in the livewell, and the rest in a 5 gallon (or 2) bucket. The idea is to get up current of your desired fishing hole, and trail a "chum line" of bait fish, any combination can be used, dead chum, cut chum, live chum, dead chum with air injected so it floats. This method works for several species here in North Florida, Tarpon, Kingfish, Sharks, and the occasional Redfish. We do noy use anything rotten, or stinky. On a calm day, you can see fish working up your chum line. They always start down current, and feed towards the source. To get them moving I might toss a few live pogies out as well. I have also used frozen store bought chum for snapper. You put the chum in a mesh bag, and it slowly thaws out and attracts small fish. I have heard of Menhadden Milk also,which is an oil sold in a gallon jug with a drip spout that is like an I. V. I have never tried this method. $$ Another method is to take a large diamater PVC pipe, and permanantly cap one end, and drill hole several holes in the pipe, put a screw on top on the other end. Then, fill this with frozen ground up chum, lower it over the side, and put it in the same general area and depth you will have bait. Shake it up and down occasionaly to attract fish and break up the chum. This method may be best for you type fishing. You can buy a chum tube already made, or make on yourself. Look in the back of some fishing magazines for ideas. WOw i have rambled on about chum wayyyyyy too much, anyway I hope this helps.


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 16, 2003
Re: How to chum?

fishfearme,<br /><br />You do not "ramble"! Rambling is jabber off the subject, on the subject and around the subject. Your post, on the othet rhand is ON TARGET.<br /><br />Thanks to all of you I now have a grasp (at least intellectually if not practically) of the subject.<br /><br />Best,<br />JohnK


Apr 20, 2002
Re: How to chum?

I figure you are going salt water so here are a few additional pointers/tips that will help. Sometime before you go make a chum gathering/making trip. Grind up any fresh oily fish (preferably locally caught and better yet the bait you will be using) either whole or parts and pour the results into one of those one gallon ice cream buckets with a lid then freeze it with the lid on. You then have a no mess one piece unit that you can 1. Dump into the chum bucket or bag 2. Poke holes in and tie a rope to the handle and hang it over the side. As the chum melts it dissipates. Around here it is even easier (not cheaper) because they sell frozen chum blocks.<br />You can also add fresh pieces of cut up fish into the slick about the size of the local baitfish or fly you are using or in some cases throwing out a handful of live baits into the slick gets things moving fast. The key is fresh or fresh frozen chum never spoiled. <br />One more thing you can chum for your chum using cat food mixed with bread. It attracts baitfish you castnet for baits and chum. There is a lot written on this but be sure you read up on chumming for what you will be fishing for as chumming for catfish while similar in result is totally different in the way you do things.


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 16, 2003
Re: How to chum?

BJB,<br /><br />Re. the fish-oil-in-the-pipe method you mention; Is that all that is used, no solids?<br /><br />JohnK

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: How to chum?

i never had any luck with oil.. but kill'em with chum..<br /><br />put bunker/menhaden oil in a big aprin bottle ..punch a tiny hole n bottom wrap a piece- o- galvized crabbin' wire around the cap an ty to a boat cleat.. adjust the drip drip by the cap titeness.. but no luck..<br /><br />JOHN,, stinky chum is for catfish pretnear only... <br /><br />good cattie chum is take a can of CAT food punch a zillion holes in it .. crab wire thru 2 close holes.. ty a small float an string to it.. i use one a my ' marker bouys'.. toss it overboard .. an fagettaboutit... come back at days end.. an have some fun..!! <br /><br />catties luv cat food..!! ;)


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: How to chum?

Yall sure do chum funny up north....<br /><br />Here in the South it's a family affair....we start the night before Brewing the mixture very carefuly....The Family recipe is carefuly gaurded and a whole lot of fun to make.<br /><br />Some pepole start out with a medly of items in the pot....shrimp is one of the most commen things, along with sausage and rice (this will be cajun chum...HA,HA,HA).<br /><br />I have seen pepole use clams, oysters, fish, calamarie and crawdads.<br /><br />Now you can't go maken chum with the family unless you have music, wine and I said...Its almost like a party (if we were'nt going fishing the next day it would be a party....but since we are it's called "loud preparation").<br /><br />Once you (and your fishing buddys) have all the ingredeance mixed together realy well....this could take most of the night....get as much sleep as you can before the trip.<br /><br />Now as we know....Southern wives always help out with the fishing trips in some way or another....and after last night's "loud preparation" she is sure to fix up a great big plate of egg's....sunnyside up and slightly runny....Eat them or she won't let you go fishen and take you shoppen with the mother-in-law :eek: <br /><br />Once your at the dock mix up the bucket of ground fishheads, menhaden oil, filler (bread or rice) and liver flavored cat food in the can....this must be done with your hands and is hard work so let everybody have a go at it.<br /><br />A long boat ride in the hot sun SHOULD get the bucket full of fish gunk smellen just fine.<br /><br />You know it's ready when you look at the back of the boat and the bow is solid A$$ cheeks....CHUMS OUT....LET"S GO FISHEN!!! :D :D :D <br /><br />Normaly....I just use jack mackral in the can mixed with bread and a small bit of cooked rice for the baitfish chum.<br /><br />Ground pinfish, shrimp and rice frozen in a fish pipe for Sea Trout.<br /><br />Ground fiddler crabs (crabs....whatever ya got), shrimp and rice frozen in a fish pipe for Reds and other drum (sheeps head too....the saltwater kind).<br /><br />A ground up baitfish combo frozen in a fish pipe works for just about everything elese that swims.<br /><br />good luck and the slick.<br /><br />chumwood.

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: How to chum?

HOLEY MOLEY CHUNKWOOD.. i'd be chunkin'/pukin'my guts on the other side of the boat... <br /><br />think you leftout the 'lousi-anna' hot sause.. ;)


Jan 22, 2002
Re: How to chum?

lmao - yeah me too crabbie. if not from the smell, then from the loud preparation, staying up partyin, then lookin at a runny egg for breakfast


Seaman Apprentice
Feb 27, 2003
Re: How to chum?

everyone had good advice for the most part on the chumming thing.i personally make my own chum as well.i have a old hobart meat grinder that my grandfather used to have and it makes mincemeat out of everything from mullet to mackeral which i freeze into blocks and save until i go fishing the next time.i also will take and cut up mullet into chunks and freeze them in plastic bags filled full of water to keep them from turning into styrafoam.after i get a good chum slick going i start occasionally tossing out chunks of mullet into the slick.the combination of the two usually will bring the fish out to feast on the goodies then you start offering them the same thing on the hook and tight lines to you.of course the stuff you use for chum will be whatever the bait fish is in your particular area but this method works very well for bottom fishing the local reefs in this neck of the woods.tight lines my friend


Mar 1, 2003
Re: How to chum?

Here in California we use live bait for chum. Sardines, anchovies, and small mackeral. On the baitfish we pop an eye so the chum swims in circles on the top of the water. It gives us visual boils when the targeted fish is eating them. We chum at a rate of 2 fish a min. When the chumline gets going good enough we can actually watch the fish comming up the line and to the boat. <br /><br />For sharks we chum the same as all you guys with rotten mackeral, bonito, mom's shoes, etc.

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: How to chum?

:) Those are all good ideas!! ;) :cool: I don't need to say more :rolleyes: :D