How reliable is the VRO system?


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
I plan on using the VRO on my Evinrude. I have read so many posts that recommend bypassing the vro system that I am wondering if this system is prone to problems, or if it is just a few people who experience problems, or is it a problem on specific years or models. <br /><br />How many people here run the stock VRO pump and how many have had problems?<br /><br />Just wondering.<br />Mark.


Rear Admiral
Jan 24, 2002
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

It would be best to install a new VRO with all it's improvements compared to the 10 year old unit that you have. At the same time, clean out the oil tank, especially if there is any sludge in it, and check the hoses and clamps to make sure they are the factory ones and not someone's "quick fix".<br /><br />Trailer Boats magazine had a good article on the VRO a couple of years ago, how it works and it debunked the "myths" that a lot of untrained mechanics said about it.

Melvin Hatcher

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 16, 2003
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

I have a 1985 XP 150 Evinrude. I replaced the old VRO, VRO tank and hoses. :) <br />I am very happy with my system. :cool: <br /><br />OBTW check out seahorse's comment about the article in Trailer Boats magazine. It is worth it to buy the back issue, just for the info on the VRO system.<br /><br />Later<br /><br />DoferGofer


Vice Admiral
Apr 15, 2002
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

Have an '85 J140 bought new, which was upgraded to VRO II under warrantee, and has never been touched since. The motor has ~ 700 hours and still runs like new with very few repairs other than normal maintanence. Problems with VRO are largely over-rated. It's a very reliable system.


Nov 14, 2003
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

I have been reading the posts about VRO for some time now. 90% say to disconnect and 10% say leave it alone. I have an 86 Johnson with Vro and after reading all of these posts I disconnected it. Now I read it's ok to leave it hooked up! I guess it boils down to what you feel comfortable with. My boat doesn't have a lot of extra space so disconnecting mine was a double advantage of gaining more room for a larger gas tank.


Aug 10, 2002
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

If it matters, when OMC was in business their commercial engines did NOT have VRO. Maybe VRO is better now but if you don't maintain the system you could have a problem. Without the VRO you just have to worry about adding oil. Personally, I don't do VROs because I want to eliminate another system to maintain.


Sep 29, 2002
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

never touched the vro on my '98 150hp johnson, and haven't had a problem. i can't see why i would ever think of eliminating it with a 65 gal fuel tank.

Cricket Too

Lieutenant Commander
May 14, 2003
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

Hey guys, can anyboby tell me a good maintenance procedure to follow to maintain my "VRO" or I guess it's called OMS pump now. My engines are 1999 Johnson 200's and the OMS pumps have never been touched and I've never had a problem but I want to keep it that way and would like to take care of them. Thanks.


Rear Admiral
Jan 24, 2002
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

The only maintenance you have to do is to make sure the hose is in good shape and that the proper clamps are secure. Once a season, use a turkey baster to take a sample from the bottom of the oil tank to be sure there was no water intrusion. This is very important if the tank is exposed to spray or if mounted in the bilge where water accumulates. It's basically the same visual maintenance that you would give your fuel system.<br /><br />If you read all the internet posts about the VRO, it is the current and trained Johhson and Evinrude techs who know the system is fine. It is the untrained folks who think the VRO is bad. Most of the horror stories are not based on fact and most dealers will tell you that most oil starved motors are the ones that are supposed to be premixed.


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 18, 2002
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

And usually the horror stories concern the failure of 1 cylinder in a multi-cylinder engine. You'll hear someone say, my 200 hp just blew the #3 cylinder, the mechanic said VRO is n.g.... Problem with that is the VRO ain't smart enough to selectively oil cylinders. It's all or none at all.<br /><br />-John

Bob in Calif.

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Nov 4, 2002
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

BillP.........<br /><br />I have an 1987 Johnson 100 HP commerical on my Cuddy Cabin and it has a VRO. Didn't OMC own the company then? My 1988 Evinrude 75 HP Stinger, on my center console, also has a VRO. ???????<br /><br /> :confused: ...Bob in Calif... :confused:


Jun 29, 2003
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

I bought a 1997 115 Jonny X-Flow with a siezed powerhead with a VRO pump.....and when I rebuilt it, the VRO pump stayed off. The Dealers are intitled to their oppions, as are the rest of us. I prefer premix simply because of piece of mind, and, oh yea, we were an OMC dealer from 68'to mid 90's....actually 92'.<br />If it's running as it should, it will be OK, as long as you keep the system clean...If you slip-up, it will ruin your engine. Remember, the dealer isn't with you everytime you go out, and people do make mistakes, so it can happen with/without a VRO pump.....

Salty Sal

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 14, 2003
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

Upgraded to the newest VRO system and just maake <br />sure your warning horn works. Those who rather mix their gas manually have a point BUT boating should be pleasure. Manual mixing is dirty and truly a hassle.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

I like the idea that my boat gas is the same as my tractor gas, is the same as my ATV gas, etc. If I fill the two 6 gallon tanks in the boat, and only use one, it's nice to know I can re-use it in other motors in a pinch. Also, over the winter, I don't have to worry about fuel savers. I just siphon it off to the garage gas cans and use it in the snow thrower, power generator (those are mandatory where I live), motor toys, etc.<br /><br />So that's is one reason I want to keep the VRO system intact.<br /><br />Thanks to all who took the time to post their experiences.<br /><br />Mark.


Aug 10, 2002
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

Bob in Ca,<br /><br />Yes, OMC owned them in 87. I think your 100 is a detuned (by a low compression head) 115 and was retrofit but the ace mechanics posting here would know better than me. I have 1988 and 1990 sales brochures for Johnson and Evinrude commercial models and none spec VRO.<br /><br />Neither of my 1986 or 1991 65hp commercials (70hp domestic block) came with VRO either. I bought these new from OMC International on advice from a friend who was their warranty mgr for S.America, Bermuda and Bahamas. He told me VROs were not put on their commercial rigs to eliminate problems.


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

Don't worry, you will know when it fails!


Seaman Apprentice
Dec 16, 2003
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

i had an an evinrude with the vro on it. i as well , bypassed it. i dont trust it. its not that hard to mix the gas and oil myself. even if just for the peice of mind. i know i sure dont wanna spring 2 g's on a new powerhead :) <br /><br />ive also heard that replacing that unit is upwards of 260 bucks :eek:

Cricket Too

Lieutenant Commander
May 14, 2003
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

I have had many engines with VRO's on them, from the time they first came out until my most recent in 2001 and have never had a single problem with them, ever. I think alot of people hear things and make judgements based on things that are not fact and are more hearsay. I have also had engines without VRO and it's not neccesarily a pain to premix but it is deffinetely more of a pain than filling and going, I'd rahter use VRO any day. I have had people tell me that they don't trust fuel injected outboards also, why, because it is to technical, the old reliable way is fine, injected motors will be nothing but problems. If everyone thought like that we'd never get anywhere. Would you rather still have a carburated car or the injection systems that have proven to be very reliable? Manufacturers don't come out with things to make their product worse and furthermore they don't continue to make them for close to 20 years if they don't work.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 8, 2003
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

'89 Johnson 70 w/ vro2. 1400 hours and no problems. I keep my oil tank full of OMC tcw-3 to minimize condensation. My C-Dory has two 18 gallon built-in tanks and if I mixed manually I'd be guessing, even with gauges. I'd end up oil fat. I sure do love my Johnsons. Pete

magna 17

Oct 29, 2003
Re: How reliable is the VRO system?

My 1990 60HP Evinrude had VRO. Now it has a scored Cylinder wall and no compression on number two. Motor had 98 hours on it, alarm horn tested ok but never came on.