How many?


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 23, 2013
Was getting some tools out to take down to Houston to help some close friends with their situation. Started getting hammers; some screwdrivers and other things I might need. The more I looked the more I was amazed. I've come up with 9 claw hammers; 11 razor knives; 4 drywall saws; too many screwdrivers to count (have some with the plastic wrap still on); and a few other things.Then I got to wondering? Am I the only one like this? Naturally I don't remember when I bought them all; but I got 'em. This isn't counting mechanical tools; (that's another story). I wasn't a carpenter or a mechanic by trade; so that's out. Am I the only one like this? I can walk through the Tool Dept. at HD and not stop. Thoughts?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Fred - Stop buying Rabbit brand tools! LOL

Something else;

Redfred1 I tried to send you a PM, but it won't go through.

Hey Fred - I banned you and deleted all your posts when dumping these numerous spammers that have been hitting the forum. I thought I caught it, but I was too late.

You're unbanned and I'll be recovering your posts and threads. It might take a little while and I'll be starting with your recent posts first.

With egg on my face and my sincere apologies,



Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
I have many thru the years and also from Dad and G-Dad. I make up tool boxes every so often and give tools away. Don't know how many 7/16 wrenches I have but have very few 1/2, and don't know how that happened


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 30, 2008
When I walk through any tool dept I keep my hands in my pockets. If I came to purchase a particular tool I grab it and run to checkout!!


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 23, 2013
I remember when the universal tool to repair a Ford was a 6" 1/2 X 9/16 boxend; . Now they don'fit anything.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Geeze I have so darn many tools, I have bought a lot over the years, then when I lost my Grandpa, I got more, then when my Dad passed away, I found out a little secret about him, he was real fond of bringing me a tool box full of tools every time he visited, telling me he was done working on things, then he would go back home after visiting a week or two and buy a new tool box and fill it full of tools again. Now I have 9 tool boxes, two bottom box roll a rounds and two top boxes and dozens of carry tool boxes, all full of tools.

I am going to have to have a yard sale, cause I can't use them all!

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
I have enough tools to fix almost anything.......i still by tools......i still loose tools, replace them, then find the lost ones

Regarding hammers, i have a full tool box worth of hammers and prybars and other non-wrenching tools


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
I do have some tools but I just can't find them .... I usually start looking anywhere my son in law has been ...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 9, 2016
I am slowly building my collection of tools. It isn't much now, I've got it spread between 3 things, a mechanics toolset, a main toolbox that also accompanies me in my boat, and my electrical toolbox. Like you guys, my grampa recently passed and I will be inheriting all of his tools once I find the nerve to go through the stuff..

It also isn't so bad on the wallet when you just get say one thing at a time, and as time passes your stuff builds and builds. My most recent addition is an electric impact wrench! Given to me by my dad. Now I am starting to get all the impact sockets.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
I am slowly building my collection of tools. It isn't much now, I've got it spread between 3 things, a mechanics toolset, a main toolbox that also accompanies me in my boat, and my electrical toolbox. Like you guys, my grampa recently passed and I will be inheriting all of his tools once I find the nerve to go through the stuff..

It also isn't so bad on the wallet when you just get say one thing at a time, and as time passes your stuff builds and builds. My most recent addition is an electric impact wrench! Given to me by my dad. Now I am starting to get all the impact sockets.

Impact sockets are cheap at HF and them suckers are tough, I beat the heck out of mine, especially during the winter when I have to work on the plow truck, cold outside and I have no patience and I have been really pleased, I have not broke any yet!