How long can my upper unit whine before....?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 22, 2004
Basically my upper unit makes a slight whining sound after I let it run dry of oil in the top end (I assume this is the cause). I am wondering now that I have oil in it. How long do you think it will run with just a slight whine. Think this is the gears or the bearings? <br /><br />I ran it all day yesterday with no change in sound:|<br /><br />I will be pulling the cap off to inspect this weekend.


Jul 4, 2004
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

not ment to be a smart mouth answere at all but<br /><br />5 minutes to who can say<br /><br />i can say for sure that buy running it you are causeing futher damage to parts that may still be good and makeing a rebuildable drive into a non-rebuildable drive<br /><br />tommays

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

You need to find out why there is water in your gear lube.It could go at any time, and you will need to be towed in.Don't forget the radio.Follow Don S. advice from earlier thread.That's where to start.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

It will whine until it blows up. Just putting oil in it will not heal damaged gears and bearings.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 26, 2003
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

not to jump on another post, however my OMC 4.3 1988 whines. I tore it apart and found nothing. anyone kno what gives? :confused:


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 1, 2004
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

a lot of the precision clearances and preloads in gears is to stop noise/whine.. it dont need much to cause it and it dont mean the unit is about to explode either..<br /><br />in the case of the drive mentioned by the thread starter.. i would keep running it.. keep a carefull ear on it and see if it gets worse or better..<br /><br />others would perhaps rip it down and rebuild it.. but there aint no definite answer as to how long it will keep running with a slight whine.. could be days.. could be weeks.. could be years.. who knows..??<br /><br />trog100


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

how high is up ?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

Originally posted by trog100:<br /> a lot of the precision clearances and preloads in gears is to stop noise/whine.. it dont need much to cause it and it dont mean the unit is about to explode either..<br /><br />in the case of the drive mentioned by the thread starter.. i would keep running it.. keep a carefull ear on it and see if it gets worse or better..<br /><br />others would perhaps rip it down and rebuild it.. but there aint no definite answer as to how long it will keep running with a slight whine.. could be days.. could be weeks.. could be years.. who knows..??<br /><br />trog100
It's obviously a risk/ cost/ benefit call. But note that the OP stated that "Basically my upper unit makes a slight whining sound after I let it run dry of oil in the top end". <br /><br />I'd guess odds are pretty high that he experienced damage rather than the noise being caused by "precision clearance and preload in gears" as Trog suggests. I'd listen to tommays advice on this one.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

Everybody remember one thing, this isn't just a standard old drive whine, it started whining AFTER the upper was run without gear lube. He has now added gear lube and wonders why it didn't stop whining. <br /><br /><br />
Originally posted by slow_boy:<br /> Basically my upper unit makes a slight whining sound after I let it run dry of oil in the top end (I assume this is the cause).


Lieutenant Commander
Nov 6, 2002
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

How long can I stick my hand into a fire?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

Originally posted by mkast:<br /> How long can I stick my hand into a fire?
LOL, what kind if a pain threshold do you have?


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

slow_boy,<br />If it's any thing like my last girl friend, forever or until you dump a large amount of cash on her…or.. I mean it.<br /> Any way you look at it the damage is done. The questions now are what kind of trouble will you be in if it fails on the water. And what is the additional cost of repair if you run it till it breaks. You can pay now, or possibly pay much more later.


Feb 15, 2005
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

limited-time has a good point. It is hard to say how long it will last. Maybe two hours on the water, might be two more years. It's only a guess. Like he said, take the chance and spend no money now and risk that it could cost alot more when it does fail, or spend the money and know it is OK. Good luck whatever you decide!

steve n carol

Chief Petty Officer
May 8, 2004
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

Slow boy...."how long will it whine"? <br /><br />It will whine until it "GRUNTS"...<br /><br />Limited-time...You made my day...good answer.<br /><br />slow boy....depending how good you are with wrenches, you could...<br />1) tackle this yourself, R&R the unit, tearing it down and rebuilding it, Good learning experience! It would probably be cheaper to do this before it goes "BOING".<br />2) get a kicker<br />3) sell it to TROG<br />4) check out the sterndrive ad at the top of the page<br />5) Go to DonS's place and have him take a look at it. (The inland Passage is really cool)<br />6) ask phatman mike (in non boating topics) to sell you a hydrafoil for it. he claims that they are an absolute cure all!<br /><br />thats all I can think of right now, maybe someone could help me out????sl

steve n carol

Chief Petty Officer
May 8, 2004
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

Slow Boy,<br /><br />I am just having fun...BUT...there is ALWAYS a little truth to satire!!!!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 1, 2004
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

i wouldnt buy it... he he he<br /><br />but depending on boating circumstance i would keep running it and see if the "slight whine".. i repeat "slight whine" gets better or gets worse.. if it gest worse.. well its strip down time.. if it all beds in and gets better.. say a prayer of thanks and get on with life..<br /><br />knowing exactly what to replace if a novice does strip it down wouldnt be that easy.. a shop would replace the lot anyway.. <br /><br />i would go for the run it for a while and see option.. but thats what i "would" do in a similar situation.. <br /><br />a lot of the advice given on here is more based on ideal world.. what "someone else".. spending "their" money.. "should" do in any given situation.. he he he<br /><br />trog100


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

Originally posted by trog100:<br /> ...a lot of the advice given on here is more based on ideal world.. what "someone else".. spending "their" money.. "should" do in any given situation.. he he he<br /><br />trog100
trog:<br />alot of advice for this post seems to be based on a cost/ benefit/ risk assessment by some people with extensive experience with these drives (I'm not in that category, but others are). And you seem to keep forgetting (or don't take into account) that he stated that his upper unit developed the slight whining sound after he let it run dry of oil. <br /><br />Again, I'm no expert, but this one seems pretty clear even to me. Odds are that if he doesn't pay now, he'll end up paying quite a bit more later.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 1, 2004
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

lakelivin.. if u a aint an expert nothing should seem clear to u except what u are told.. u are told many things.. being a cautious guy u will go for the cautious approach..<br /><br />i have an idea what what can happen when something like an outdrive is run low on oil.. i dont keep forgetting or not taking into account anything dude..<br /><br />the drive has been run all day without failing or any change in the "slight whine".. it could carry on for ages.. in fact in my oppinion it probably will.. <br /><br />its a simple probability factor.. the drive works okay but has a slight whine.. we know what caused the whine.. being run low on oil.. the problem has been fixed oil is now in the drive.. but some damage has been done.. hence the "slight whine"<br /><br />the question.. how long will the drive keep going.. the answer no one knows..<br /><br />the repair.. to do it properly a total rebuild cos its impossible to tell exactly what components have been damaged by the period of low oil running so u replace very moving part to make sure.. expensive..<br /><br />the other option.. just hope the whine is being caused by a slight roughening of gear surfaces and that not too much damage has been done by the period of low oil running..<br /><br />the danger.. the whine is being caused by a badly damged bearing that might fail and cause something to break or seize..<br /><br />there are three possibilites.. <br /><br />1.. u keep running the drive and it lasts for years.. cost nothing..<br /><br />2.. u rebuild it now.. cost expensive..<br /><br />3.. u keep running it and it fails.. cost.. could be just as cheap as option two if u buy in another drive as some folks would.. could be a little more expensive than option two if u do the work yourself..<br /><br />tell u one thing thow.. there aint no quick cheap fix for something like that.. it aint small amount now might will save big amount later.. its big amount now or (with a little luck) no amount.. <br /><br />and of course the circumstances u use your boat in play a part.. if your life depends on your drive not failing.. buy a new bugger.. dont even waste time trying to fix the old one.. if my drive failed it would just be inconvenient.. not life threatening.. which is one of the reasons i would take the run it and see option..<br /><br />trog100


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 22, 2004
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

Thank you all for your input. I have taken the boat out a couple of times since it started and I am very carefully listening to see if it gets any worse. It has not. I think trog100 has a good point. I agree fully that there is damage done, but I am thinking that it may be excessive wear to the gear teeth that is causing the whining sound to occur.<br /><br />If it is in fact a bearing I think it will increase in noise one day and I will know before it goes out. I am very aware of sounds:)<br /><br />In truth I will be planning to remove the drive and rebuild some of the upper unit and possibly the lower. I have most of the tools needed I am just not ready for the project at this moment in time.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: How long can my upper unit whine before....?

Originally posted by trog100:<br /> lakelivin.. if u a aint an expert nothing should seem clear to u except what u are told.. u are told many things.. being a cautious guy u will go for the cautious approach..<br /><br />Maybe I should have been a little more explicit. Little expertise, but some experience that resembles slow_boy's case. I had an outdrive that ran low on oil (shop's mistake)and developed a slight whine in the upper even after it was filled to capacity. I drove it for about 17 hours before change of season with no dramatic change in sound of the whine. Next spring when I took it to a highly qualified OMC shop for general service, found out that the gears & bearings were shot. If I had driven it much more the mechanic indicated that the casing would have ended up trashed. After very closely looking at the issue (due to the original shop's negligence in filling the drive) here are some of the numbers that I can reliably plug into my price/ risk equation (OMC Cobra drive): if it's only a bearing & you keep driving it & damage the gearset, add over $500 to repair for cost of new gears alone. If you trash the casing, forget repair, need a new or completely rebuilt upper. At the very least, add another $300 to cost of a rebuilt one cause the core you return is shot. <br /><br />i have an idea what what can happen when something like an outdrive is run low on oil.. i dont keep forgetting or not taking into account anything dude..<br /><br />the drive has been run all day without failing or any change in the "slight whine".. it could carry on for ages.. in fact in my oppinion it probably will.. <br /><br />its a simple probability factor.. the drive works okay but has a slight whine.. we know what caused the whine.. being run low on oil.. the problem has been fixed oil is now in the drive.. but some damage has been done.. hence the "slight whine"<br />The problem hasn't been fixed; as you state, some damage has been done, as indicated by the new whine even after the oil is refilled. Unfortunately you don't know what that damage is. And the problem with listening to the sound to see if it gets worse is that if it does get worse, it's as likely to be due to the failure of a different part going (perhaps fatally) as it is of the originally damaged part 'slightly worsening' over time. In other words, if you hear a change in the noise it's probably too late, you've caused more damage. <br /><br />the question.. how long will the drive keep going.. the answer no one knows..<br /><br />the repair.. to do it properly a total rebuild cos its impossible to tell exactly what components have been damaged by the period of low oil running so u replace very moving part to make sure.. expensive..<br />Not with a decent mechanic. If he sees the gears are ok he shouldn't replace them with a new $500 set 'just to be sure'.<br /><br />the other option.. just hope the whine is being caused by a slight roughening of gear surfaces and that not too much damage has been done by the period of low oil running..<br />Again, a decent mechanic is going to inspect the parts and if it's just a slight roughening of the gear surfaces, should inform the customer of that & let him decide what to do.<br /><br />the danger.. the whine is being caused by a badly damged bearing that might fail and cause something to break or seize..<br /><br />there are three possibilites.. <br /><br />1.. u keep running the drive and it lasts for years.. cost nothing..<br /><br />2.. u rebuild it now.. cost expensive..<br /><br />3.. u keep running it and it fails.. cost.. could be just as cheap as option two if u buy in another drive as some folks would.. could be a little more expensive than option two if u do the work yourself..<br />Replacing a damaged bearing now is gonna be alot cheaper than a totally rebuilt drive later (or possibly sooner). <br /><br />tell u one thing thow.. there aint no quick cheap fix for something like that.. it aint small amount now might will save big amount later.. its big amount now or (with a little luck) no amount..<br />Agreed, it isn't going to be cheap, but it could be a more modest amount now (say if it's a matter of replacing a damaged bearing) vs. a much larger amount later, say if you totally trash the drive.... <br /><br />and of course the circumstances u use your boat in play a part.. if your life depends on your drive not failing.. buy a new bugger.. dont even waste time trying to fix the old one.. if my drive failed it would just be inconvenient.. not life threatening.. which is one of the reasons i would take the run it and see option..<br /><br />trog100 <br />
Obviously just my opinion based on my cost/ risk analysis, but perhaps a little more thought out than I implied in my original post due to my actual experience in a similar situation.