How is Starter getting wet on my AQAD41A Volvo?

GSB Cruiser

Seaman Apprentice
Apr 12, 2007
I have a chronic problem with my starter motor rusting up. The pinion gear becomes rusted to the armature and my solenoid isnt able to engage it. I took it out 2 times and greased the heck out of it and it still freezes up. Is it possible in any way for salt water to get into the bell housing? The only thing I can think of is that at the beginning of the season, the boat yard put the wrong exhaust bellows in during servicing and it shredded up while trying to steer the boat. But would sea water get to the bell housing that way??? Thanks for any help.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: How is Starter getting wet on my AQAD41A Volvo?


Just How Wet does your bilge get,..??..??


May 27, 2007
Re: How is Starter getting wet on my AQAD41A Volvo?

The exhaust bellows would not let seawater in but the drive bellows certainly would if it was chewed up. I am not sure how an exhaust bellows could get chewed up, there are no moving parts in it or around it that it could hit. The drive bellows houses the driveshaft and ujoints and is at the top of the drive. The exhaust bellows is at the bottom and can literally be torn off and not let water into the boat. If the drive bellows is compromised then water WILL get into the bell housing and on into the boat, possibly dripping onto the starter. Is there water in the bilge constantly?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: How is Starter getting wet on my AQAD41A Volvo?

The ujoint bellows actually attaches to the engine Bellhousing/flywheel cover on yours. So, if there is water in the bellows, it will go thru the bearing and into the flywheel area and splash right up to the starter. I've even some get salt water in the bellhousing thru the timing pin hole because the plug was missing. From there the flywheel housing holds water (Tight fit) and then you always have water in the bellhousing and splashing into the starter.

GSB Cruiser

Seaman Apprentice
Apr 12, 2007
Re: How is Starter getting wet on my AQAD41A Volvo?

Thanks for the help guys. Yes, there is constant water in the bilge, but that is not necessarily a new thing. Although, the other day out fishing I did notice the bilge pump going on more than normal. What would you guys suggest? Should I have the boat hauled and check the u-joint bellows?


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: How is Starter getting wet on my AQAD41A Volvo?

What would you guys suggest?


Get your Face down in there,+ See where the water is Coming From......


May 27, 2007
Re: How is Starter getting wet on my AQAD41A Volvo?

If it has been more than 2 years since the drive bellows was new then it is time for that servicing anyway.

You should be able to hear a trickle of water going into the bilge from the bottom or sides of the bellhousing right at where it meets the engine. If you can see or hear that then you have to at minimum get the bellows changed. The u-joints may need replaced. There can be other drive related problems as well because that water can also be entering the drive thru the upper housing yoke seal.

Once the upper unit is off and the bellows removed then the rest can be inspected. Part of this procedure involves draining the drive fluid, and it can be inspected as well for signs of water intrusion such as cloudiness or milkiness.

GSB Cruiser

Seaman Apprentice
Apr 12, 2007
Re: How is Starter getting wet on my AQAD41A Volvo?

Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I was the bell housing open on the bottom in my motor? I was thinking that if it is, maybe when I take off, the bilge water is sloshing towards the back and the fly wheel is whipping it all around in there.

I think what I'll do is I'm gonna just have the starter fixed and put it back in. I'll see if it freezes up again. That's a cheaper trouble shoot than paying to have the boat hauled.