Re: How hard to install impeller
tprice: I just replaced the impeller on My 2001 df115. lonewolf5347 is correct, the hardest part is getting it up and in. I tried something new this time. When I removed the lower unit I made sure not to rotate the drive shaft. I made a mark on the pump housing and another on the drive shaft with a yellow crayon.After removing the old impeller and installing the new one I turned the drive shaft back to the marks. It worked like a charm. Don,t forget to seal the bolts with silicone. Keep the silicone off the ends of the bolts or they will not tighten properly. Sometimes the lower unit will get stuck because of corrosion, be carefull not to hit it with a hammer, use a rubber malet, be gentle. The speedometer nipple and hose gave Me some grief getting back together. I finally weasled a right angle pliers up inside and pushed the hose over the nipple. I have pics of the lower unit innards but the make and model are different, won't be much help to you. Good Luck. You can do it!