I was out today and noticed my engine overheating steadily whenever I was running above 3500 rpms. This is a new problem that just started today. Ignoring for now all of the more likely scenarios, is it reasonably that this coul be caused by cavitation from a damaged prop? I hit one of the blades on my prop on somthing this afternoon (wasn't in any shallow water) and the tip has been sheered back and portrudes out slightly. For the most part the blade is fine, but part of the tip is indeed bent back roughly about a fingers width or so. It's a 3-blade propeller.
I thought I remember reading how a damaged prob can cause a boat to overheat. Is this because the propeller causes cavitation and the intake will suck air bubbles, or is it merely that the boat has to work harder? Still, at 3500 the boat sounded normal and was planing at about 20 knots. At 3800 the temp would rise slowly and at 4000+ it rose much more rapidly.
Engine is 1988 5.7L merc. Raw Water cooled. Alpha 1 gen1 on a moderatly heavy 24' boat.
I thought I remember reading how a damaged prob can cause a boat to overheat. Is this because the propeller causes cavitation and the intake will suck air bubbles, or is it merely that the boat has to work harder? Still, at 3500 the boat sounded normal and was planing at about 20 knots. At 3800 the temp would rise slowly and at 4000+ it rose much more rapidly.
Engine is 1988 5.7L merc. Raw Water cooled. Alpha 1 gen1 on a moderatly heavy 24' boat.