How did we survive Inflatables?


Vice Admiral
Sep 20, 2010
Ok Heres what I got since tomn3's thread got hijacked so bad I figured we needed a thread to tell the stupid stuff we did/do with inflatables, Tubes, Disc's, banana's whatever, I told a few examples of my stupidity in the previous thread but I have so many I've lost count.

Allow me to begin, 5 or so years ago.....

A couple friends of mine and me bought a 3 person 8' disc you know for the kids of course, this disc attached to the front or the bottom at the center allowing it to spin when connected to the center. It worked great for making the panzy kids PUKE, after a couple days the kids had popped the center backrest of the disc playing king of the disc while we were tied up no less, add a bit of alcohol and I had the brilliant idea that this could be alot of fun for just one person! Fortunately I had the best friends in the world to help me with this endeavor! One of my friends even volunteered to pull me! So I jumped on the disc with my PFD hooked it up to my buddies boat and we left the group of 5 or 6 boats whom for some reason were all reaching for something (cameras for Lipp's next "Watch this" moment) as we pulled away, The disc was properly attached to the center position so that we could show the kids just how bad the adults are and how wimpy they are and next thing I know my buddie ray is doing his best to throw me which is no big surprise to me in the least but after a few minutes we have gotten a little ways away from the raft up and I start pointing towards the boats and ray lets me know were going to turn around the part that he didn't tell me was that the return trip would be at about 50 mph...... once we got turned he nails it, as we gained speed the front of this disc gets a bit light then before I had time to react the front pops up and is now in a parachute position and I am still attached to the backside of the parachute just hanging there! Well ray thinks he lost me so as we are passing the raft up he turns around again, so now I feel the disc start to spin and I put my feet inside some appropriately spaced hand holds because this seems so freaking intelligent you know! The problem is that I am no longer attached to a parachute I am now attached to a 8' PINWHEEL Ray heads back the way we came and doesn't see me in the water so now he knows that I am still on the disc and well he figures this should end pretty quick so he again turns around and gets over by the raft up, I 'm so dizy at this point I don't know what planet I am on but there is absolutely no way I am letting go, but ray has a reputation to uphold as well so once ray gets to the raft up he turns......and turns...and turns..and turns until finally I get LAUNCHED, video proved I did 6 and 1/2 revolutions before splash down!!

There I started it lets here them!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 8, 2010
Re: How did we survive Inflatables?

I think I just peed myself....great story. Wish I had a memory like that.....we did some stupid stuff. Deep Water barefoot starts off the top of house boats in Dale Hollow....tubing on Tractor tubes with 8' stems.....My buddy broke his femoral bone tubing, wouldn't let go, got wedged into the tube....we met the ambulance at the boat launch. I was glad it was his wife driving....I think she had issues.

We used to take the boat out, go WOT...the driver would count to three cut the power as we all bailed out....yes the driver bailed too.

We tried to surf on those rigid 1970's Styrofoam surfboards behind the boat...way before knee boarding was thought of. I don't know how many of those we broke. If it floated, we tried to ride it behind the boat! Sometimes we just body surfed on our backs.