Houston Floods / Hurricane Harvey


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
I know we've got Texas members, and that folks in the Houston area have their hands full right now. Y'all check in when you can - and know you have lots of folks praying for you and looking ways to help out.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
As a former West Houston suburbanite, this is unbelievable and I was there in the middle of Allison which was no picnic in 2001. Watching freeway ramps turned into boat ramps and so many volunteers launching rescue efforts make freeways and feeder roads look like Labor Day on the lake.

Stay safe and Godspeed.

This disaster affects tens of millions in the Houston Metro and beyond all along the Gulf coast. One way we can help is through the Red Cross and Salvation Army. From Red Cross and Salvation Army Twitter;

Help those affected by #HurricaneHarvey. Visit http://redcross.org , call 1-800-RED CROSS or text HARVEY to 90999 to make a $10 donation.

Give relief to those affected by #HurricaneHarvey ? Call 1-800-SAL-ARMY ? Text "STORM" to 51555 ? Donate online at http://helpsalvationarmy.org


Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
Rest assured your Canadian cousins are doing what we can for you!


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 23, 2013
I can tell that everything you see or hear on TV or the Weather Channel is true. I live 50 miles North of Houston; and have been locked in by flood water since Friday morning. We have been blessed with no water damage; have not lost electricity; have got fantastic neighbors (one with a monster truck that can go anywhere). A daily trip is made for supplies (groceries; gas; etc.) WE are definitely blessed! I moved out of Houston in '01; went through all their hurricanes from Carla (61) to now. I can also say that the outpouring of help from the boaters with their rescue help cannot be described. They have come from everywhere to help get people out of high water to higher ground. It's a shame to hear that damage their outboards (curbs; mailboxes; street signs; cars; trees;etc). It has almost gotten to the point that it is harder to get in than it is to get out. Roads around here are impassable everywhere; (12 miles to town and can't get there! It's a H of a feeling). I have many many close friends living down there (with water damaged homes)

Thank you Mods for starting this off


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 23, 2013
Thanks; I feel sorry for them down there;it iis going to be a loooog road; but Texans are tough; we will make it. Going down Saturday with supplies and razor knifes.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Glad you're OK, Fred. Thanks for pitching in and be careful. There are reports of snakes and gators roaming, in addition to the human kind.

We lost a family member on Saturday in Santa Fe. She was in poor health and lost electricity for her machines and no one could get to her in time with the unexpected high water in places that never flooded before. RIP

Other relatives are still up to their waists in receding murky water and they are located all over the Houston Metro. It is a holy mess and has a long way to go.


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
The power of flooding is pretty amazing to me. When Nashville flooded in 2010, I was blown away by the devastation it caused.


Jun 19, 2014
I live appx 140 miles from the destruction.

I made one short trip down to Houston with my boat. Nobody knew where to send me. It finally got the phone number for the Houston Disaster Recovery center (not the exact name of it...) and was told they didn't need boats any more, go home.

I got almost home when I heard on the radio that Beaumont needed boats. I had been within 30 miles of there when I was sent home.

14 ft, very low draft, very sleek hull, with a small motor, officially rated 4 people/500 lbs (when configured as a sailboat) Left the mast at home on the lawn (there's 90 lbs removed) and suddenly I have a WIDE, stable, nearly unsinkable boat that does 8 to 10 mph on 2.5 hp and can run 3.5 to 4 hr on a gallon of gas.

I'm going back tomorrow.


I personally don't like Red Cross. They advertised for over 30 years that 91% of the money actually went to aid victims, but they have a 25% of gross income (donations) advertising budget. At best 65% was (and still is) making it to victims.

Find a better organization.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
I live appx 140 miles from the destruction.

I made one short trip down to Houston with my boat. Nobody knew where to send me. It finally got the phone number for the Houston Disaster Recovery center (not the exact name of it...) and was told they didn't need boats any more, go home.

I got almost home when I heard on the radio that Beaumont needed boats. I had been within 30 miles of there when I was sent home.

14 ft, very low draft, very sleek hull, with a small motor, officially rated 4 people/500 lbs (when configured as a sailboat) Left the mast at home on the lawn (there's 90 lbs removed) and suddenly I have a WIDE, stable, nearly unsinkable boat that does 8 to 10 mph on 2.5 hp and can run 3.5 to 4 hr on a gallon of gas.

I'm going back tomorrow.


I personally don't like Red Cross. They advertised for over 30 years that 91% of the money actually went to aid victims, but they have a 25% of gross income (donations) advertising budget. At best 65% was (and still is) making it to victims.

Find a better organization.

God bless and be careful, there are people in need, I have friends in that area, I wish I could get there in time......


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 23, 2013
I'm with huber. They need money (that goes into a pool); but they need the basic supplies (bleach; ammonia;mops; brooms; down to the 5 gallon Homer bucket. I carried 7 cases of bleach (Dollar General) down to some friends yesterday.SONIC is giving away free ICE up here; $2 a bag down there if you can find it Going to try to stock up today ago back tomorrow. Getting all the rechargeable batteries ready