Hot Tires


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 29, 2001
Last night, after a one hour trip at highway speeds, I checked my hubs for heat.<br /><br />The hubs were warm, but not excessive; same thing for the lug nuts.<br /><br />But, the outer rim, where the wheel flares out was VERY hot, as were the tires.<br /><br />Am running single-axle trailer with 205X14 Carlisle bias ply tires. I know that the single-axle trailer seems unusual for a 22' cuddy, but I have seen ads for other other 1987 Starcraft Islanders with the same trailers. However, I think they have provided tandem axle trailers with that boat since 1988. So, I'm probably at or just over capacity.<br /><br />Is it expected to have tires get very hot at their capacity?

Lou C

Supreme Mariner
Nov 10, 2002
Re: Hot Tires

You might want to have the boat/trailer weighed to see if the tires are over their capacity. When I bought my Four Winns last year, it had 205/75-14 load range B tires on it rated at 1460 lbs at 35 psi. These got hot just driving around the neighborhood. I replaced them with Nanco tires in the same size but load range C rated at 1730 lbs at 50 psi. I towed it all the way to my canvas guy (about 10 miles) in hot weather and they were a lot cooler than the old load range B's were from just driving around the neighborhood last year. I estimate my weight at about 3300 lbs, so load range B tires would be over their limit at that weight, but load range C are OK. Check it out. If you go with the Goodyear Marathons, they have an even higher load capacity.


Re: Hot Tires

Lark,<br /><br />Heat means that your tires are flexing.<br /><br />There are only two things that will cause that.<br /><br />1. As Lou said-overloaded.<br /><br />2. Underinflation.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 29, 2001
Re: Hot Tires

They are both showing 48 psi cold, so I don't think they are too deflated.<br /><br />Starcraft advertises this same aluminum cuddy model today and states it has a tow load of 3720. The current tires are rated at 1760 lbs. That's about 200 lbs. overload. The original tires had an old "G" designation with an 1860 lbs. rating.<br /><br />I see both Carlisle (bias) and Goodyear Marathon (radial) selling 215X14 trailer tires with 1870 lbs ratings. That would get me to capacity.<br /><br />For any larger tires, I would need 15" wheels. The radials seem to cost more. Do they run cooler than bias-ply?


Re: Hot Tires

Yes they do run cooler. Make sure any radials you buy are "trailer" rated.


Jul 25, 2003
Re: Hot Tires

Even with the original tires you were right on the lb rating and you haven't gassed up, or added your gear. Suggestion, Champion trailers sells a kit to turn your single axle into tandem