hot engine alarm - not sure how to proceed


May 24, 2004
specs: Johnson 130, 2000 hours not known.<br /><br />put in first time and ran the engine at idle for some time to 'clean' it out from winterize (maybe 10 minutes, + another 10 at 'no wake speed')<br /><br />Ran fine, and smooth. At about the 20 minutes mark the Hot Engine Alarm sounded. I shut down and let it rest a minute - engine temp gauge was showing about 170 (normal would be about 160 at this point and it always drops when I can finally put on some speed which I was about to do).<br /><br />Started it up again, alarm did not sound, temp had dropped, and engine ran well. Went for a short ride (about 10 min) and no problem.<br /><br />I am concerned now because:<br /><br />#1 - the engine temp gauge does not seem to be working - stays pegged to the bottom of the gauge.<br /><br />#2 - when I raised the unit out of the water I noticed it draining at the seam with the lower unit, something I don't recall seeing before.<br /><br />Was planning on having a pro check it, but would apprecaite any feedback b4 spending the $$ on this.<br /><br />Thank you!


May 24, 2004
Re: hot engine alarm - not sure how to proceed

sorry - realized I am in the wrong area - I reposted under the Johnson heading - just a newbie. Paulyl