Hot bearings

Apr 13, 2002
Both wheels on the right side of my tandem trailer were too hot to touch upon our return home. Grease spattered all over the wheels. The left side was not even warm. I removed the hubs and found the bearings to be OK, repacked them, readjusted the brakes (surge) and added bearing buddies. Now only one wheel on the right side gets too hot. I changed the bearings and races, repacked and readjusted the brakes. After a 4 -5 mile ride, the same bearing (and whole wheel) is too hot to for my hand. Hub nut was adjusted after hard tight by hand only, and then loosened and retightened until there was no play. Brakes adjusted very tight to center them, and then backed off 9 clicks. Drum rubs against shoes lightly. I think the problem is frequent braking as I approach home. How hot is too hot? Should I try it for a few more miles with "watchful waiting" ( I'm finding that technique unpleasant, too)


Re: Hot bearings

Octo,<br /><br />One wheel should not be hotter than the others. Any wheel that has a brake behind it will get warm, but they all should be the same temp. My guess is you still have a brake problem.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Hot bearings

I am not trying to stir up trouble but.... Have the axels checked for alignment or a possible bend on that wheel. If that wheel is not aligned properly and the weight of the rig is fighting that one wheel causing excess friction.<br /><br />The right side takes the beating from road shoulders, curbs, sewer drains and is the least often seen by the driver.<br /><br />Just a guess.<br /><br />Bob


Sep 19, 2001
Re: Hot bearings

Is it possible that the cold wheels have siezed or stiff wheel cylinders and that the one is hot because it is doing all the work?