Re: Horsepower ratings...
atriop, first bassboats stink for getting out of the hole because most of the weight is in the stern. If the engine is running right your next choices are trim tabs to carry the stern better or dropping back in prop pitch just for sking. This will let her over rev if you try to run her wide open, but who skis at 40+mph? So the rpms will need watched when the smaller prop is used.<br /><br /> I would be conserned about the weight of a V6 on that boat. Your 140 V4 crossflow weight about 310lbs, a 150V6 is right around 400lbs. There are no laws about over powering a boat in any state. Like mentioned above insurance may be a problem. Most ins com****** will let a 10% over slide, but I'd get it in writting from them.<br /><br /> Another thing is that 140 was a weak engine at low rpms. If you compared it to a 90hp V4 the 90 would woulds swallow it out of the hole, but once on top the 140 will start to breathe better because of the bigger carbs and the more performance oriented exhaust tuner on it(bubble back V4's) and catch and pass the 90. Of course the 115hp gives you a little of both.<br /><br /> With that said I agree with what Capt Ron said about carb/ignition timing. Once the roller and the linkages get worn it gets the sync and link out of adjustment and this is super critical on these 140's to get all you can from them out of the hole. The sync and link check is what to say to your mech, he will know exactly what you/I mean. These 2 cycles engine need to have just the right of ignition advance to match the carb opening. I mean even off 2 degrees on timing cam will take the edge off her hole shot.