Hope the reminder can save someone some headache...


Aug 6, 2011
Just a reminder for everyone who already knows (and maybe some new owners)....
CHECK YOUR BEARINGS! I'm dumb and openly admit it. Bought a boat a few weeks ago from an older guy. Sitting on an '89 trailer that probably had 50 miles on it (just a trip from his house to the landing twice a year to put it on the lake). I knew, knew, KNEW that I should pull the hubs and change the bearings, install bearing buddies, etc. Like a dope, I put it off and went fishing/boating/enjoying having my head in my backside for a couple weeks. Today, I hear the telltale screeching and pull to shoulder. Guess what? I got to do a roadside bearing replacement. The passenger side bearing and hub literally exploded. Instead of doing what I knew I should do at a time - and more importantly place - of my choosing, I got to do it on the shoulder with a scissor jack and no tools. Spent almost as much on tools to do the job as I did on a new hub, bearings, grease gun, etc......... Sorry to ramble, but I hope this serves as a reminder to check you hubs. Good luck to all and enjoy the rest of the summer!


Sep 22, 2006
Re: Hope the reminder can save someone some headache...

Along that line, I finally broke down and took the automotive tires off and put on some decent ST tires.


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 24, 2011
Re: Hope the reminder can save someone some headache...

well now your good for the rest of the year! maybe 2. i know an old guy he puts new bearings and seals in every year, kind of a waste but he has no issues. i will check mine every year take apart repack but i only replace when they go bad. never fun to sit on the side of the highway and watch other drive by. also never cheap to buy the tools needed when you NEED them.

when life gives you lemons some times you have lemonade, and some times you get sour milk.


Rear Admiral
Sep 17, 2007
Re: Hope the reminder can save someone some headache...

I feel your pain. I put mine off as I would get to them "next weekend". Well, when I smoked a bearing/hub on the highway home, I sat for 2 hours waiting on a flatbed wrecker. He pulled the boat/trailer on the wrecker and headed for my house. He also never bothered to check the height of the load and the first bridge he went under sheared off my outriggers! :eek: I guess I was lucky it wasn't the T-top!

When it was pointed out to him, he shrugged and said..."call my boss". Their insurance stepped up and said "So what...sue us"! Ended up using mine, minus the $500 deductible. People suck...change your bearings. That's my new slogan :D


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: Hope the reminder can save someone some headache...

Now I don't feel so bad about servicing my bearings twice a year and keeping a full hub assembly in the tool box of my truck!... I thought I was being paranoid and overly cautious.:rolleyes:


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 13, 2010
Re: Hope the reminder can save someone some headache...

When I bought my boat I had to tow it home about 300 miles.

I seemed to be using lots of gas coming home. but I just thought it was the nasty headwind (driving a jeep) and the extra weight.

I got home and noticed the left wheel was at a pretty steep camber. so I pulled the wheel. I was able to pulle the entire drum off the spindle without takingthe NUT off.. needless to say the bearings were SHOT. worst part, camber was so bad the drum was pushing hard on the brake shoes. causing the breaks to be applied. (if you understand how single pivot drum breaks work that will make sense) so I was dragging the brakes the whole drive home.

needless to say the first repair I made to the new project boat was drums brakes and wheel bearings..

I am just suprised the wheel stayed on for the trip.. pure LUCK it should have come off.


Aug 6, 2011
Re: Hope the reminder can save someone some headache...

Fireman wins! Losing the outties must have been like losing a hand...


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 31, 2009
Re: Hope the reminder can save someone some headache...

I learned my lesson on this about 3 weeks. Bought a brand new looking trailer and the bearings were toast in it from the git go. Looked as if the previous owner never greased them in their life.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 11, 2009
Re: Hope the reminder can save someone some headache...

I bought my boat and never checked the bearings initially. I pumped them full of grease and let it go. Last year I was heading to northern Maine (from Boston) and figured I should check them before I went. Good thing. I was riding on death and it was only a mater of a short time until they would have failed. New bearings and all that jazz. Since I just did them the second week in August of last year this year all i did was pump them full of grease and go. Figure I will take them apart and check them next spring at the start of the season.

I never thought about carrying a spare set. Maybe I should toss a set in the toolbox in my truck that way I will be sure to never need them.

rx boost

Jul 23, 2011
Re: Hope the reminder can save someone some headache...

This might come across as a stupid question, but I have never changed bearings before. How do I know which size bearings I need? In the event that they need changed I would like to have a spare set.


Aug 6, 2011
Re: Hope the reminder can save someone some headache...

If you've never replaced bearings before, I'd suggest grabbing a buddy with some experience and asking him for a hand. It's not a difficult thing to do, but it IS sensitive and you'll want to make sure things are done in the proper sequence. Those tiny little trailer tires are flying around at about a million RPM's and if the bearings are improperly installed, set, or greased, it doesn't take long for them to heat up and cause problems. Also, I'd suggest getting Bearing Buddings and installing them (if not already installed) when you check the bearings. Basically, they turn your hub from a sealed unit to one that can be greased as needed. They're a must for hubs that get submerged.


Nov 17, 2005
Re: Hope the reminder can save someone some headache...

Find out the weight rating of your axle, that will usually tell what bearings you use. Looking at your boat info I would think you have a dual axle trailer with each axle rated for 3500 lbs. Just a guess, check to be sure, you can buy them in single wheel kits. What MN-WaterGuy said is also very true.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 31, 2009
Re: Hope the reminder can save someone some headache...

Most trailers use the same components as far as axles, bearings, wheels, etc. That being said most parts are common enough you can simply take the bearings down to a local parts store and they can cross the numbers and get a direct replacement. Bearings and seal ran me right at $20 per side. If you tear up a hub the whole kit with bearings installed are $40 at Academy or a trailer store if you have one locally.

MH Hawker

Vice Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Hope the reminder can save someone some headache...

love my Saf-T-Lube Hubs, pull the rubber cap and pump in 1/2 a tube of greese and thier full and flushed and repacked


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 14, 2010
Re: Hope the reminder can save someone some headache...

Inspect those wheels and bearings! Good advice. I bought my boat/tandem trailer from a guy last August and have been putting off the bearing inspection and work. Thankfully I live 1 mile from the launch so I didn't feel the immediate need to break them all down. I'm actually half way through the project now and thankfully 2 of the 4 wheels had decent bearings and plenty of grease but the brakes were completely shot. I mean thin, old and done for.

My inspiration came due to a 400 mile trip coming up for Labor Day. Didn't want to ruin my weekend 'cause I blew out a bearing or seal. I think I'll inspect them on a yearly basis from here on out. Just to be sure :)


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 22, 2011
Re: Hope the reminder can save someone some headache...

Now I don't feel so bad about servicing my bearings twice a year and keeping a full hub assembly in the tool box of my truck!... I thought I was being paranoid and overly cautious.:rolleyes:

I do the same. Came in handy last year on the side of the LIE when my whole hub basically blew up. i may even have another set of bearings in the boat's glove box and a tube of grease..