So motor is only a few years old, worked like a dream last time i had it out on the water fires up first go. I never drained the fuel over the winter but i keep it in my garage so i did not think it would be an issue. Well I was wrong. Cannot for the life of me to get this thing running. Emptied the carb a few times. Ended up taking the carb apart to this best of my knowledge. Only taken apart dirtbike carbs before so I have a rough idea what im doing. Float appeared to be working blew out what i believe to be the main jet at the bottom of the jet assembely. Put it back together and still nothing. I used a small ammount of starting fluid it starts after a few pulls but only runs for 1 mayby 2 seconds then dies. Bought new fuel, it has spark. What am I not seeing here, I work on all my equipment so Im not a complete rookie with mechanics but this is my first time owning an outboard. Please Help wanting to go camping in 2 days need to get this thing running!! THank you