I've read in several places that the BF8A's thermostat opens up a bit too soon for it to run optimally, and many replace it with a hotter one. I know mine never pees anything but cold water, while on my Johnson it's luke-warm when engine is under load.
Do anyone have a part number or similar for a better thermostat? I've tried my local dealer but they just order their stuff from Honda and then it's only the original part. My googling-powers haven't helped me either.
I've read in several places that the BF8A's thermostat opens up a bit too soon for it to run optimally, and many replace it with a hotter one. I know mine never pees anything but cold water, while on my Johnson it's luke-warm when engine is under load.
Do anyone have a part number or similar for a better thermostat? I've tried my local dealer but they just order their stuff from Honda and then it's only the original part. My googling-powers haven't helped me either.