Hi guys - I got my engine hooked up yesterday and decided I'd give it a run today so I can start trying adjustments to get the throttle & gear cables set up nicely etc,
I seem to have a couple of issues though with the engine.
The first is that the water output from the tell tale only happens some of the time. I realise that running the engine without water being pumped through can cause serious damage so I am anxious to resolve whatever is going on here.
The first time it started, it ran for some time with no water coming out, then suddenly it started peeing out of the tell tale like it should have been. I'm not used to Hondas (previously had Yams) and I wondered if Hondas vary the amount of water they pee out for some reason? It was absolutely blasting out for some time - really powerful healthy jet, but then after running for 5 minutes or so the water output reduced.
There was another time as I recall when nothing was coming from the telltale, but both times when it has done this, I switch the engine off, and then water begins to pour out from it, even though it wasn't when the engine was running immediately before.
It's confusing me somewhat I must admit!! Is it possible there's something inside the engine in a waterway that is moving about and sometimes causing a blockage and other times not? I can't think why else the water output would be fine at some times but not others unless it's something like this, ie if the impeller was damaged then the flow would be reduced/stopped all the time, not sometimes.
The second issue is that the engine bogs if I try to rev it much. I suspect it's fuel starvation.
I've only just hooked up a new fuel hose from my onboard tank, and I rather think that the connector on the end of the hose where it attaches to the engine is not sealing correctly. I want to get a genuine honda connector as I think it's a cheap aftermarket one that's leaking air in, but are there other common issues that could cause this behaviour that I can easily test for?
Many thanks in advance
I seem to have a couple of issues though with the engine.
The first is that the water output from the tell tale only happens some of the time. I realise that running the engine without water being pumped through can cause serious damage so I am anxious to resolve whatever is going on here.
The first time it started, it ran for some time with no water coming out, then suddenly it started peeing out of the tell tale like it should have been. I'm not used to Hondas (previously had Yams) and I wondered if Hondas vary the amount of water they pee out for some reason? It was absolutely blasting out for some time - really powerful healthy jet, but then after running for 5 minutes or so the water output reduced.
There was another time as I recall when nothing was coming from the telltale, but both times when it has done this, I switch the engine off, and then water begins to pour out from it, even though it wasn't when the engine was running immediately before.
It's confusing me somewhat I must admit!! Is it possible there's something inside the engine in a waterway that is moving about and sometimes causing a blockage and other times not? I can't think why else the water output would be fine at some times but not others unless it's something like this, ie if the impeller was damaged then the flow would be reduced/stopped all the time, not sometimes.
The second issue is that the engine bogs if I try to rev it much. I suspect it's fuel starvation.
I've only just hooked up a new fuel hose from my onboard tank, and I rather think that the connector on the end of the hose where it attaches to the engine is not sealing correctly. I want to get a genuine honda connector as I think it's a cheap aftermarket one that's leaking air in, but are there other common issues that could cause this behaviour that I can easily test for?
Many thanks in advance