Honda BF75 Pre-1997 Not Peeing


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 14, 2021
So I replaced Impeller. Not as hard as I expected. Definitely had damager but should have been pushing water. Replaced caps and gaskets and impeller. Still no water flow.

So I assumed thermostat but after removing intake manifold I see that water should always be passing through. I'm not clear on how the thermostat works. I don't see any connection between the water passage in the intake manifold and the thermostat passage. From what I have read when the thermostat opens water is directed through the engine, but it should always be peeing.

There was no obstruction in the pee passage. It was dirty but water could flow. I realize now I should have connected the water hose first that goes into the intake manifold and check water at this point and I may not have need to open the intake.

I will have to get a new gasket to put the manifold back on to check the water passage before going into the intake manifold.

Assuming that hose is clear, why I am not seeing water? The thermostat open or closed should not stop the engine from peeing.

Thanks for any help and suggestions.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 14, 2021
So I replaced Impeller. Not as hard as I expected. Definitely had damager but should have been pushing water. Replaced caps and gaskets and impeller. Still no water flow.

So I assumed thermostat but after removing intake manifold I see that water should always be passing through. I'm not clear on how the thermostat works. I don't see any connection between the water passage in the intake manifold and the thermostat passage. From what I have read when the thermostat opens water is directed through the engine, but it should always be peeing.

There was no obstruction in the pee passage. It was dirty but water could flow. I realize now I should have connected the water hose first that goes into the intake manifold and check water at this point and I may not have need to open the intake.

I will have to get a new gasket to put the manifold back on to check the water passage before going into the intake manifold.

Assuming that hose is clear, why I am not seeing water? The thermostat open or closed should not stop the engine from peeing.

Thanks for any help and suggestions.
I checked the hose that takes it from one side of engine to the other.

I assume if I did the impeller right that I should have water before the intake manifold. What would stop water at this point? I wont know for sure I guess until I get the intake manifold back on. Bew a few days.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 14, 2021
Well so 24hrs of self education...

The water out of the telltale comes directly from the impeller housing and must split off another channel into the engine for the thermostat. The TellTale path comes out of the block near the oil fill and is routed over the top of the engine to the intake manifold. It is passed through the intake manifold using a separate path from the thermostat which is also under the intake manifold. It looks like it is being fed to the thermostat from the outside. But that isn't true cause if the thermostat closed, the engine would not pee. Pulling off the intake you can see the separate paths. Then the TellTale path comes out of the intake manifold and out of the engine casing.

So this made more sense to me. I did find a blockage in the hose coming out of the intake manifold, cause I didn't do the simple test for that hose being blocked, I just checked the easy end. Kinda glad I messed up there cause this work needed to be done badly anyways.

Now I get the point of the thermostat and how the engine always pees. This does mean that the engine could be peeing and you still overheat. It could also mean that the engine isn't peeing but it is getting cooled.

If your engine is overheating and not peeing, then check the water at the nipple under the oil fill cap, just pull the hose. No water and the impeller is bad. If there is water here and you are over heating, its probably your thermostat. If you are not over heating and you have water here but not out from the intake manifold something is clogged.

More often you just see it not peeing and don't know if you are overheating. In this case follow the water. Check for water out of the nipple under the oil fill cap. If you don't have water here its 90% just your impeller. If you have water there, check hoses well for clog. If hoses aren't clogged it's the channel clogged in your intake manifold. If it's in your intake manifold channel you might as well change the gaskets and the thermostat too when you clean it out. Anytime you change your impeller you should ask yourself if you should change the thermostat too. Like maybe every 10 years is a good idea.

But even more curious, why take the water from one side of the engine to the other and run it through a channel in the intake manifold? Is this small channel cooling the intake manifold?

My problem is solved by unclogging a hose.
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