Honda bf75 10 hp water pump is not working please help


Jul 25, 2008
I recently bought a 1972 Honda 4stroke 10hp and there is no water squirting out from the water hose. from what i know that means water is not running through the engine like it's supposed to..
Please help.

any suggestion will help

thank you

Nick on the Bad Habit

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 11, 2004
Re: Honda bf75 10 hp water pump is not working please help

Most likely a plugged "pee Hole", or a bad water pump impeller. Try using a q-tip into the pee hole, if that does work then the water pump impeller is bad. The impeller is not that tough to change out.
Good luck, Nick


Jan 18, 2003
Re: Honda bf75 10 hp water pump is not working please help

There is a hose inside the cowling that come down to the pee hole connection. Pull it loose and you have 1/4 inch tube to see if it is working. No reason to make things complicated.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 11, 2001
Re: Honda bf75 10 hp water pump is not working please help

Fisrt of all you need to figure out what you have.Honda did not enter the American outboard market until the MID 70'S and did not introduce the 10 until the early 80'S or very late 70's.That makes a big difference when you are ordering waterpump parts as earlier units used a keyway that is N.L.A. and somewhat newer units use a lower shaft that is squared on one side.If you do in fact have a 72 unit you will have no tell tale and be colored cream and imported from Japan.Throw some serial #s at us so we can tell you what you really have.


Aug 6, 2008
Re: Honda bf75 10 hp water pump is not working please help

I too have a BF75 Honda that needs (i think) impeller work. I spent all day yesterday reading threads on this forum and have worked up the courage to tackle this repair. I'd like to thank all who pose questions and all who answer as well because it is very helpful... so, thanks in advance! My BF75 has serial number 1007715.

Basically, I now have the impeller in view and it appears to be in good shape. I've flushed water up thru the water tube and it never comes out the pee hole. There is no tube TO the pee hole. Just two empty 1/2" holes and one 1/4" tube running from the carb drain. It seems like the water tubing has been connected in a way that makes a loop. Has anyone heard of or done this type of connection?

Is this type of connection in fact cooling my engine properly? Or should I splice in a check tube? No manual... not sure what to do.


Jun 28, 2002
Re: Honda bf75 10 hp water pump is not working please help

That's not normal, as a matter of fact, if you have a bf75, it is 7.5hp unless it has be modded..


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 11, 2001
Re: Honda bf75 10 hp water pump is not working please help

OK.Honda changed this format a few times over the years.VERY,VERY early 7.5s had no telltale and the only waterpump discharge was from the idle releif at the back of the engine exhaust housing and below the waterline where most of it exits anyway.Next they changed to a telltale that gets fed from the bottom of the intake manifold,makes a 90 degree bend,expands alot and then dribbles from the port side of this engine.Also exits from the idle relief and at the exhaust.Next they just changed the location of the outlet ,used a longer output hose and moved it to the other side.Same story,just a different location.Bottom line is,are you getting hot?