I have a 20' Misty Harbor ponoon with a 2001 Honda BF40 with a 12.125" x 9"
pitch 3 blade prop. At WOT the tach shows about 3900-4000 RPM. The manual for the outboard indicates it should be running anywhere from 5000-6000 RPM. I see on Hondas website the smallest pitch prop for this engine is a 7". The pontoon we had previous to this was a 18' Misty Harbor with a Honda BF25 with a 12" pitch prop that seemed to have similar performance as this one. The BF40 does not start or run very well when cold but seems fine with engine warm. The BF40 has maybe 100 hours on it and new plugs just installed. Anyone have any ideas on where to start?
pitch 3 blade prop. At WOT the tach shows about 3900-4000 RPM. The manual for the outboard indicates it should be running anywhere from 5000-6000 RPM. I see on Hondas website the smallest pitch prop for this engine is a 7". The pontoon we had previous to this was a 18' Misty Harbor with a Honda BF25 with a 12" pitch prop that seemed to have similar performance as this one. The BF40 does not start or run very well when cold but seems fine with engine warm. The BF40 has maybe 100 hours on it and new plugs just installed. Anyone have any ideas on where to start?