Re: honda bf100 problem
From reading posts on this forum, Hondon is a Honda tech and knows what he's talking about, but maybe he mis-read your question? You don't say that the top cylinder is fouled as Hondon recommends troubleshooting for, but rather that the plug "is clean, wet and smells of fuel." You also say that the the engine runs well with new plugs for a while, and it would seem that valve and compression problems should not be related to the newness of the plugs. Before you tear into the engine, may I suggest you rule out the simpler possibility of a spark problem similar to what 45_red guesses? You must be getting good spark to the lower cylinder, and since the common ignition coil on a BF100 fires both plugs simultaneously, the question then becomes why might you not get good spark to the top cylinder? If the lengths of the spark plug wires from the coil to the plugs will allow, swap the wires (both ends), i.e. mark which went where, then take both wires off and use the top one on the lower and vice versa. Run the engine as before, and if the problem moves to the lower cylinder, you've discovered that the wire that was on top has high resistance; replace it. If there's not a simple solution, then have at it and go deeper into the engine. Good luck.