Honda BF100 Overheats- good waterflow


Sep 17, 2012
Hi- I recently got a B100S outboard 10hp 1983 model year. When I got it there was no water coming out the pee hole, so I replaced the impeller, which didn't work, so I replaced the T-stat and cleaned a bunch of gunk from the intake manifold. I blew air through the holes in the block. Put it back together and water came out nicely. Let it run for awhile in the tank and the water never got hot, but I figured it was fine. Compression tested both cylinders at 100psi (which seems a little low).

Took it out ran it for awhile, seemed fine. Then running under WOT it suddenly stops. I needed to avoid a barge so I got it started and motored off, it stopped again and I noticed some burning oil and the motor was really hot like it was overheating. At no time did the water stop coming out of the pee hole. Limped home and found the inside of the case covered in oil! Not sure where it was leaking from, maybe the cap or the plastic housing that holds the cap. Also noticed that the lower cylinder was leaking oil from the spark plug hole.

So I disassmbled the engine thinking I had not cleaned the block out well enough. As I am taking it apart I find a wasp nest plugging the oil breather tube (unfortunately I found this out after I removed the block from the oil pan). Could this be the source of my overheating problem? Did I ruin the engine? Do i need to replace the head gasket or did the overpressure oil come through the rings? I don't have the tools to take it apart anymore (can't get the flywheel off or the valves back in place I don't think). I have the shop manual and the Seloc manual.

Any advice would be much appreciated!



Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
Re: Honda BF100 Overheats- good waterflow

Is it a 2 or 4 stroke engine ? Does it have a thermostat, probably shot and engine overheating at wot, check if works properly. If you had an overheat must retorque head gasket to factory specs for the combustion chamber to remain properly sealed or combustion hesitation could occur at different rpm.

Happy Boating