Honda b7.5 good news and bad news


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 28, 2012
Manage to get a secondhand set of points / condenser for it and fitted this weekend. I broke the fibre part of the points as I was unsure how to attach belt and align the timing marks etc. It basically locked up when I was hand timing the engine so I stripped it down again and noticed the damage. I used my old points which are knackered and not even flat just to see if I get a spark. Also the woodruff key in the points section is well past it's best but I needed to see if it ran. Anyway I timed it up best I could ( its way out ) Placed engine in a dark shed and spun over...... A whitish spark Placed in water bucket and connected it up It fires up first time and idles ok but doesn't rev very well even though I cleaned the carb At least it runs and pumps a little I need to suss out more points lol


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 28, 2012
Edit........... I timed it up with his timing marks and realised I should do it with the T on the flywheel and the dots It was 1 tooth out Quickly adjusted and didn't bother setting points as such......starts first Pulls and now revs fully but a slight backfire through carb but that's only a minor adjustment Ticking over nicely now