Honda 9.9 model BF9.9A - problems

chris turner

Oct 13, 2009
I've just bought a Honda 9.9 BF9.9A serial BABL 1202139 on ebay. Seems to be in reasonable condition and am going through it to check and make sure all is good before using it.
I believe it's a 1997 engine - can anyone confirm this ?
I'd like a recommendation for a repair manual - preferable a free download as I'm cheeeeeeeeep !
Removed the leg and dismantled the water pump with no problem - found needs new impeller and water pump base plate and one of the gaskets missing.
Now the current big problem. I noticed that one of the prop shaft bearing carrier bolts was sheared off, so thought I'd replace that. So, tried to remove the other bolt - despite heat and penetrant, I sheared that one as well. Then tried to remove the carrier - again heat and penetrating oil. It moved a bit, maybe 1/16 inch. It has now broken - have removed the whole of the rear section, in bits, but still cant get it out. According to the parts diagram, it's only now being held by an O ring ! Or am I missing something and being very stupid ?
Any help advice VERY gratefully received - thanks in advance, Chris Turner


Jul 22, 2008
Re: Honda 9.9 model BF9.9A - problems

You can download the owner's manual it has some section for trouble shooting
Google for Hondamarine under owner's manuals section