Honda 7.5 HP


Nov 2, 2005
I have a Honda 7.5 HP outboard. To make a long story short, the top cover (is this a bonnet?) over the motor is at the bottom of a lake.<br /><br />I need to get a replacement, and have gotten response from a marine salvage company that they have one.<br /><br />The thing I don't know is, are these interchangeable from year to year? I don't know the age of the motor, but would guess it's from the mid-80's.<br /><br />Right now the motor won't start (it ran fine until I lost the bonnet). Now it acts like it doesn't have any spark. I noticed a blue electrical connector that isn't connectewd to anything, maybe it's an interlock so the motor won't run without the top on it?<br /><br />I need to know where to start, I haven't bought any repair manuals yet.<br /><br />Any help is greatly appreciated.<br /><br />Dave


Jul 5, 2005
Re: Honda 7.5 HP

Limited interchangeability year to year and motor to motor, i.e. any 7.5 HP cover from the '80s should work, as should any 10 HP cover from the same period. Your motor changed in early 90's and I don't believe cover from those years would fit. If you can't get it from marine salvage, try e-bay.<br /><br />There is no "interlock" that explains why it won't run without the cover - I've had three different versions of the same motor and all ran fine without the cover. I suspect the blue wire is disconnected from something on the motor.