Honda 5 H.P old


Jun 16, 2004
I have a old honda 5 h.p motor i use on my little 12 foot jonboat. Fun just to mess around with and fish off of. Now i've had the boad and engine for a few years now and its alway run AWSOME. its a light boat and it goes pretty good. Now last year the engine started running very poorly and then wouldn't start. I figured the carborator could have been clogged but never got around to cleaning it. Well yesterday i took it apart and the thing was CLEAN. like it was SPOTLESS. But still for somereason fuel isn't feeding into the engine. The fuel pump is good and the lines seem like they're flowing freely. But the engine just won't start. I sprayed some ether in there and it started right away though. Does anyone have any ideas why fuel isn't getting to the engine???? :confused:


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 6, 2001
Re: Honda 5 H.P old

Cashman,<br />Are you getting a strong spark? If the fuel system is in good shape, I'd start checking the electrical componants. <br />Is the engine running poorly all the time?<br />Does it start easily ?<br />Does it smooth out as the RPM's climb?<br />Does it stall out and die?<br /><br />Give us some more info and we'll see what we can figure out :) <br /><br />Nav :cool:


Jun 16, 2004
Re: Honda 5 H.P old

It doesn't start on normal gas at all. The fuel system seems clean but like i said it doesn't seem to be feeding. It starts find with a strong spark when i spray the quickstart spray into the carborator. But it doesn't seem like the carborator is sprayign regular gas into it. So its probably the carborator but i can't see how. It looks like its functioning but just not feeding the engine. I took the entire caborator apart to clean it yesterday and like i said everythign seemed fine in it. it doesn't make sense to me either. But fuel is just not getting to the piston. But its not electrical just because it starts with the spray. And in regards to your question. I can't get it to run long enough to tell you. It starts runs for a sec then dies with the quick spray. Back when it was running like last year it would die when trying to bring up the throtle. Then at one point only ran with the choke on. Now doesn;t realy run at all.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 6, 2001
Re: Honda 5 H.P old

Cashman,<br />It still sounds like a carb jet is clogged. You said you pulled the carb and took it apart. Did you inspect all the parts? <br />What I would look for first is to make sure the needle valve in the carb is not shuck shut. You said it would only run when you use a starting fluid. That makes me believe the carb is not getting fuel. If the needle is stuck it would prohibit fuel from getting to the carb throat. <br />If that looks all fine then next I would inspect the jets in the carb. Honda is known to have really narrow jets. A piece of dirt can easily clog it up. Remove all any "non metalic" pieces of the carb and soak the whole thing in acetone for an hour or so. (Acetone can destroy plastic or rubber parts so be careful) The acetone will typically loosen up the residue and gum in the ports. Next blow compressed air through all of the jets to get the junk out.<br />Reassemble the engine once again, and pump the bulb firm. Crank it a few times and make sure you can smell the gas in the carb. Hopefully this is all you need to get you going once again.<br /><br />Nav :cool:


Jun 16, 2004
Re: Honda 5 H.P old

Alright i'll try that. i mean gas is definatly getting to the carb becuase if i turn the release valve the gas flows out. But your probably right about the jets. I looked inside the needle value does move. But the jets are TINY. So they probably are clogged. Also one thing i noticed when i do pull it a few time when gas is in the carb sometime gas comes out the top or it as if it was overflowing. There are two little spots where i guess they are over flow releases. I'm guessing its leaking because of the clog.