Honda 45HP Trim warning buzzer

Philip Sim

May 22, 2004
I have a Honda 1992 45HP remote control outboard which came on the back of a 20 foot motor cruiser I bought recently. It starts and runs fine and has been well maintained. However last couple of times out, after about 20 minutes at 4500 rpm or so (planing at 20 knots) the trim warning buzzer starts. This is an intermittent warning buzzer in the RC box. After it starts it may go off occasionally for a few seconds but basically stays on until I switch the engine off. Tilting the engine up or down makes no difference. There may be a connection with hitting a lump of wood at 12 knots which I did recently, and had to replace the prop.<br /><br />Any ideas? Do I need a new trim sensor, or is the wiring faulty? The fact it only happens after 20 minutes puzzles me. Any help gratefully received.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Honda 45HP Trim warning buzzer

I did not know that the new Honda's had a trim warning buzzer. I have a 1999 90hp and I have a Temp and Oil pressure warning buzzer but nothing for trim. Are you sure this is a trim warning or could it be the temp or a pressure problem, will the motor drop rpm's when the warning starts? will a red light come on or will the green light go off when this happens?

Philip Sim

May 22, 2004
Re: Honda 45HP Trim warning buzzer

Originally posted by radsrh:<br /> I did not know that the new Honda's had a trim warning buzzer. I have a 1999 90hp and I have a Temp and Oil pressure warning buzzer but nothing for trim. Are you sure this is a trim warning or could it be the temp or a pressure problem, will the motor drop rpm's when the warning starts? will a red light come on or will the green light go off when this happens?

Philip Sim

May 22, 2004
Re: Honda 45HP Trim warning buzzer

Thanks for your reply. I have the manual and it explains about the tilt warning. There is no light for it and it doesn't cut the engine revs. According to the shop manual, which I inherited with the engine, it goes off if the engine is tilted over 20 degrees with the throttle above a certain level. The warning is an intermittent sounding of the buzzer (on, off, on, off, on,off, every second or so - very annoying!).


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 1, 2004
Re: Honda 45HP Trim warning buzzer

radsrh - The BF35, 40, 45, and 50 seem to have a power trim option that includes the alarm; it's not an age thing ;) (Haggis' engine is a 1992).<br /><br />Haggis - There's not much specific info out there on your trim alarm system for those of us who don't have the same to be able to offer specific help. You have the shop manual which is about as good as it gets, unless another member of this forum has the same set up as you and has already had to work on his. You'll just have to logically and systematically work your way through the alarm system until you find the fault. Some questions which may help narrow the search: (1) Does it always do it after 20 minutes no matter the RPM, e.g. after 20 minutes at idle? If yes, more likely an electronic/heating cause rather than mechanical/vibration (if a vibration related problem, try shaking the wire harnesses and looking for loose connections). (2) What sensor provides the engine trim level input to the trim module? Try to determine if it's providing the correct input signal. (3) What sensor provides the throttle level input to the trim module? Try to determine if it's providing the correct input signal.<br /><br />If you can verify that either of the input signals is bad, then you've located the problem; verify whether the wiring to that sensor is good and if so then adjust or replace the sensor. If both sensor inputs to the trim module are good, then your fault likely lies in the trim module itself. Hope a replacement is not too costly.<br /><br />Good luck.

Philip Sim

May 22, 2004
Re: Honda 45HP Trim warning buzzer

Thanks for the pointers - I've bought a multimeter and as soon as I work out how to fit the battery I'll give it a go.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 11, 2001
Re: Honda 45HP Trim warning buzzer

How important have you found that tilt alarm to be to your boating happiness?Until it failed you likely had no idea it was even there.Change the tilt module if this will really bother you ,or just unplug it at the ground if you can tell if your engine is tilted up or not.

Philip Sim

May 22, 2004
Re: Honda 45HP Trim warning buzzer

I looked at the engine at the weekend. What the shop manual doesn't explain is that everything you want to get at is under 3 other things. After 15 minutes of puzzling, I took the hondon solution and unplugged the trim sensor connector. Problem solved. The trim gauge never worked anyway - maybe part of the same problem as the warning buzzer going off.