I recently purchased a 1997 35 horse honda jet outboard for my 18' lund. When I started the motor for the first time, it didn't really **** much water. It did for a few seconds, but then went to a dribble. I ran the motor for about 15 minutes on and off, trying to figure out the problem. The overheat light never came on, but at one point, the motor seemed to drop to about half speed. It made a sort of knocking noise shortly therafter and then died. Uh oh. I started it up a half hour later, and it seemed to run fine but was again hardly pissing. Any ideas? <br />Is it possible I ruined the engine by running it too long without enough water? The water that was dribbling out was warm but not hot. Does all of the water shoot out the side, or does some shoot out the back?