Honda 2005 bf130

Feb 26, 2018
Crusing along at 4000 rpm and suddenly engine slows down, alarm goes off and acts like every cylinder is cross firing. Shut down, raised engine to check prop because it acted like a stick go in the prop. No stick, checked oil, ok .. Restarted and it ran normal. Water pump working ok. Throttled up and it ran for about a 1/4 mile and repeated first symptoms, immediately restarted it and alarm was gone and engine idled normally. Went to dock , pulled internal fuel filter and water seperator but fuel was clean and no water. Any magic ideas out there? Please dont tell me it is some high dollar electronic module! Do dealers have a OBD tool to diagnoise these critters?


Apr 20, 2008
A dealer can run Dr. H. on it to check the ECU memories and dx the issue.

Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
That's why I hate sophisticated 4 stroke egines compared to simple 2 strokes ones and having to deal with dealers or shade three pseudo mechanics to troubleshoot complex electronic issues.

Happy Boating
Feb 26, 2018
Unfortunately the diagonistics did not show any faults! They changed both thermostats, I changed all the fuel filters, both high and low and there was no water in the seperator. The problem is still there but it is a bear to figure out. It ran ok for about 15 minutes at full throttle when I first ran it this morning but it was cold outside. Then it went into limp mode, restarted immediately and it ran ok for a few minutes at fulll throttle, then back to limp mode. Restarted and ran at 2000 rpm for about 20 minutes ok. It appears to be either temp related or a fuel problem, any new ideas?
Feb 26, 2018
Honda Bf 135 goes into limp mode but diagonistics dont show fault

Boat died after running to dock. Went ito limp mode and buzzer went off. Turned off, checked oil restarted and checked water tattle tale, ok. And buzzer quit when i restarted , Throttled up and went on plane ran for 1/4 mile and went to limp mode. Took it to a dealer but he said no fault codes were on ECU but thought aproblem could have been a stuck thermostat, changed both., I changed all the fuel filters, both high and low and there was no water in the seperator. The problem is still there but it is a bear to figure out. It ran ok for about 15 minutes at full throttle when I first ran it this morning but it was cold outside. Then it went into limp mode, restarted immediately and it ran ok for a few minutes at fulll throttle, then back to limp mode. Restarted and ran at 2000 rpm for about 20 minutes ok. It appears to be either temp related or a fuel problem, any new ideas?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Hey Webspinner - No need to ask the same question in a new thread when you already have this thread going on the same issue.


Sep 16, 2013
That's why I hate sophisticated 4 stroke egines compared to simple 2 strokes ones and having to deal with dealers or shade three pseudo mechanics to troubleshoot complex electronic issues.

Happy Boating

I have an immense dislike for dealers as well. I just wanted to add that many 4 strokes still have carbs, making them much easier to work on than their injected cousins for those inclined to do so. They are no more likely to have electrical/electronic problems than a 2 stroke, and when they do, they are nearly identical to work on - in my experience anyway.


Sep 16, 2013
Boat died after running to dock. Went ito limp mode and buzzer went off. Turned off, checked oil restarted and checked water tattle tale, ok. And buzzer quit when i restarted , Throttled up and went on plane ran for 1/4 mile and went to limp mode. Took it to a dealer but he said no fault codes were on ECU but thought aproblem could have been a stuck thermostat, changed both., I changed all the fuel filters, both high and low and there was no water in the seperator. The problem is still there but it is a bear to figure out. It ran ok for about 15 minutes at full throttle when I first ran it this morning but it was cold outside. Then it went into limp mode, restarted immediately and it ran ok for a few minutes at fulll throttle, then back to limp mode. Restarted and ran at 2000 rpm for about 20 minutes ok. It appears to be either temp related or a fuel problem, any new ideas?

I would want to know if the engine was actually getting hot, or being told it was hot by a defective sensor. Any steam mixed with the pee?

Note that shutting the engine off, then restarting, is simply doing a reset. If you do that and the original problem is still apparent, you need to act on that problem quickly. Doing multiple "resets" isn't going to do anything other than increase the chances you're going to be up for some expensive repairs. It's a form of abuse that can lead to a destroyed engine.


Apr 20, 2008
The two thermostats are different temperatures. And can be accidentally reversed. That would cause issues.