honda 2003 225hp one cyl not fireing


Jul 14, 2015
hey guys I am new to forum / rocko is the name / got a 225hp 2003 not firing on one cyl / test that have been done are , has spark / has 200psi comp.,fuel injector is pulsing and spraying fuel / replaced with new inj.,continuity test ran on coil cap wire to ecm test ok ,/coil was swaped out with new one / so my question is can a ecm problem cause one cylinder not to fireoff / if so how does it do it and how do you test to see if ecm is the problem ? thanks


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 21, 2013
Confused one what you actually think the problem is. The ecm controls spark and injection yet it sounds like you think it has spark and fuel. A computer diagnostic would be a good indicator of what you have going on. That motor has an O2 sensor that measures the combustion efficiency. The O2 sensor will tell you if your either not getting enough fuel and have a fuel problem or have to much unburned fuel in the exhaust which can be an indicator of spark not firing or a leaking injector. If you dont have access to an HDS or Dr.H then first thing i would to is put a pressure gauges on the high pressure side. Most issues with these motors are fuel related.