Honda 2001 BF9.9 4-Stroke Problems


Aug 21, 2006
I've been having problems with my Honda 2001 BF9.9 4-Stroke. It has been running fine at idle, and fairly easy to pull-start but recently started boggin down, then increasing speed, then boggin down again when in foward gear.

I took it to the local outboard mechanic and had the carb(s) cleaned / rebuilt and the 100hr service done.

picked it up and took it out this weekend and it ran great for about 5 minutes and started the same problems as above again. The only difference is now the engine is very hard to start (couldn't get it started again after it stalled on the water) and the choke lever no longer pulls out and stays. If you pull out the choke lever it immediately pops back in.

Any suggestions? Are the Spark Plug and Fuel filter usually included in the 100-hour service?

Any information is greatly appreciated!


Jan 18, 2003
Re: Honda 2001 BF9.9 4-Stroke Problems

I bet they did not install the choke connections correct, I just had my carb apart and that would be easy to do.
I would think they w ould install 2 new plugs, but don't know about the filter, call and ask or take it back and tell them to fix it since you have already paid for the shop to do that for you. If it is a decent shop they will stand behind their work. A rebuild kit for the Honda Carb is nothing but gaskets.
There is a drain screw on the bottom side of the carb where you can drain the bowl and an adjustment screw also on the side.
Increasing speed and bogging down indictates a lean condition, probably junk in the carb bowl. Maybe they did not get it cleaned out good. Again, take it back to the shop and let them do what you have already paid for.