Honda 200 - Trtioon


Mar 27, 2012
I purchased a 2008 Fisher 240 Tritoon with no motor and then purchased a Honda 200 Outboard and attached it with honda rigging. The first two times I went out in the boat with my family it would do 40 mph at around 5000 rpms WOT. I figured I needed some adjustment because my understanding is that this motors sweet spot for power is 5800-6000 rpms. So I have started playing with things hoping to see more rpms and more speed. At this time the motor was set on the top hole using a 14 1/4 x 17R Stainless Prop.

Next trip.
I raised the motor from the top hole to the next to last hole. I also adjusted my throttle cables on the motor only according to honda specs. Very confused here because the cables seemed to be way out of specs (lots of adjusting) and that did not make much since to me. Right now at full throttle at the helm the throttle cam wheel on the motor is hitting the throttle stop. But the throttle at the helm does feel like it has a dead spot when starting out. On this trip my rpms went up to about 5300 but my mph went down to 28-30mph?

At present I have reexamined the throttle cables on the motor and according to my understanding of honda specs they are correct. I have also installed a Vance JPL 4500 6" set back 4' adjustable jack plate. It is presently set about inch from the bottom. My numbers are still the same 5300 rpms wot and 28-30 mph.

My Specs:
2008 Fisher 240 Tritoon
Hull Length 24.6
Hull Weight estimated 2830lbs
Tubes 26" with lifting strakes

2011 Honda 200 Outboard (Built in 2008)
14 1/4 x 17R stainless prop
Vance JPL 4500 Jack Plate

I would love to see 40 mph again and getting my rpms up to recommended range would be great. Any help and advice will be much appreciated.