Hond tach problem


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 20, 2005
just repowered my gregor with a 2001 honda bf50. finally figured the tach wiring out. trouble is it will read about 600 at idle in test tank then, when accelerating it drops down to 000. could this possably change when i get the boat in the water and rev it up more than i do when its in the tank? any thoughts on this problem much appreciated...Thanks, Bill


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 21, 2013
The setting should be on 6 pole or 3 Pulse which on a faria or similar gauge is the number 2 setting or on a Veethree or similar gauge would be a 3P.

If thats what you have it set on and are still having problems you might have a bad tach.

Also the factory sets the idle at 950 at idle in nuetral, the specified range is from 900 to 1000 in neutral. I know the engine will idle much lower than this but you should never adjust the idle lower then then 900 in neutral because it will not circulate oil properly. Do not sacrifice the longevity of the motor by running it at too low of RPMs.
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