You should be able to get one from an Evinrude dealer. Be prepared for a shock when you find out what they cost. You might want to just keep the throttle low.
Ok, thanks FR. I may try it with a prop and see how it goes.
Reaon for wanting a test tank.......My main issue is that I have an intermittent spark and the ONLY time it surfaces is after running the outboard for 5-10 minutes, then shutting down, and setting for a half hour or so (I have had the timing light on the engine while on the muffs and cylinder 1 and 3 had both lost spark at different times. I think this happened after the motor had been run and then allowed to set.) Then it gives me issues at idle. Otherwise when I first fire her up, after warm up she has the best idle I have been able to get out of her. I just don't want to try and run the boat on the lake and remove the power pack and try and test all my electrical components. I have checked them numerous times running in a test barrel and cannot find any faults with the DVA meter. Only thing that I noticed is the resistance on the stator is a bit lower than spec calls for.