I have an old Nissan 3.5A which is giving me fits. At any speed above 1/3 throttle it starts to miss. I have changed the plug, cleaned and reset the points, checked the fuel flow, checked for carbon build up, cleaned out the cooling system, etc. I am running this motor at sea level so there shouldn't be an altitude problem. The motor starts easily and runs very well at low speed. <br /><br />I have been working on the carburetor mainly because it seems like it is a fuel flow problem. I have cleaned the carb thoroughly, adjusted the needle height several times and adjusted the float level. I notice in the repair manual that it says that the jet should be a #88. The jet that came with the motor and originally ran well is a #92. Could going to the smaller #88 solve my problem? It seems like it would make it worse, but I am at my wits end on solving the problem. <br /><br />TIA <br /><br />Jake