Hey Everyone


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 5, 2008
Well, I hope everyone is doing well out there. Sorry I am not able to visit the boards more frequently, but thanks to all who are avid fans and are willing to help each other out. We are always available for parts and help at

Happy aristocrafting to everyone,


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Jun 30, 2004
Re: Hey Everyone

so what'd ya find for him scott.
this one... http://huntsville.craigslist.org/boa/1289727755.html
it was right down in yer hood i think. looked pretty nice to me.... i love that blue. like the one ya redid. love that color..

since ya found one. guess this is a just comment on your boat fun thread. lime time is treating me good this year so far. a few complaints, but their so far things i can live with. though they won't get better i don't suppose.

so far it's an eventless year. been sleeping onboard several weekends over the last month plus. nineteens sure do make good overnighters...
hope everyone else is having fun with the aristocraft too...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Hey Everyone

Hey Ziggy,
Our buddy found one, but i will let him join the forum and tell the big story about it. so keep yours eyes open for it. By the way, I believe I found a source of lime green carpet. only thing is, i dont think i can get it in the loop look, just a really short pile. still checking though to see if we can get the loop. Take it easy


Jun 30, 2004
Re: Hey Everyone

Our buddy found one, but i will let him join the forum and tell the big story about it.
sweet. i'll be looking fwd. to hearing all about it.

on that note. i hope that a fella i met this weekend will join here and show off his boat too. i was up on the beach yesterday and low and behold here comes another nineteen. :eek: second one i've seen in 2 years. short story was this fella stopped me at the ramp a few weekends ago. gave me his card and said if i ever wanted to sell to let him know. a few days ago, i threw the card away as i don't want to sell my nineteen. anyways. yesterday, here he came in his nice nineteen he'd gotten down in tx. got himself a 79 with the landau top. cool. don't know what color to call it. kinda a burnt orange. was real pretty. was real fun to talk with him for a while too. as we were floating about chatting, the uscg aux. came idling by too. didn't stop us, but think he was checking out the rides. not often ya see two nineteens side by side at the lake around here. i think one of the fellas onboard the uscg aux boat was probably the cat that gave me a safety inspection this year. so he kinda knows me and my nineteen. anyways, looks like another person has got bit by the nineteen bug. these aristocrafts do have a following i think.
By the way, I believe I found a source of lime green carpet. only thing is, i dont think i can get it in the loop look, just a really short pile. still checking though to see if we can get the loop.
yep, let me know what ya find out Scott. the loop would be best, but man, that color is hard to find. i've been on the lookout for a couple of years now to no avail yet. i've searched the www and go ask about carpets when i'm by a carpet store. pretty much, everything is the wrong color. let alone the right texture. let me know what ya find out. my loops are flat and my carpet is stained. and thru my own error it now has cigarette burns in it too at the helm. :( guess i shoulda turned on a light to find the ashtray while cruising at night..
Take it easy
you too man...


Aug 4, 2009
Re: Hey Everyone

Thanks for the intro Ziggy, and yes you were correct I just registered. So as a newbie I am here to learn. As mentioned, been check'n out Lime Time at our local lake here in Nebraska for the past couple of years and really liked the old style lines, sliding hardtop, etc. Found one in Texas while the wife and I were visiting my son and ended up drag'n it back.
The previous owner had painted the boat (originally it was red) and had the mecanicals gone through top to bottom, basically a 3 yr old non original restoration. It doesnt have the original seats (first on my to do list) or the original green tinted glass. It also has the side storage compartments covered with upolstered panels. Took it out for the first time this last weekend and loved it! Spent some time coveting the originality of Lime Time and talking about Aristocrafts etc. Looking forward to meeting up with you again to really check out your boat. :cool:
Scott has also been great help with all my questions, thank you. Look forrward to working on my 19 and enjoying the ride. If I can figure out how to post pictures to the forum, I will put some up.



Jun 30, 2004
Re: Hey Everyone

welcome mbiggs.
you sure took me by surprise last weekend. motoring up in your nineteen like that. i'm sure my mouth fell open... way cool to have someone else on the lake with a similar boat. specially one that seems pretty far and few in between here in the midwest... sweet... and congratulations again on your new boat. ya looked great btw.. anything i can do to help let me know. your more than welcome to give lime time the once over for however much ya wanna see. call me if ya wanna see it in the driveway, or i'd guess we'll accidentally run into ea. other at the lake too.
aslo, check out the i/o forum here. there's many good mechanical minds here that have got me though thousands of dollars worth of repair that i did my self for a much more reasonable price. sounds like yer already hip to Scott. he's been a big help to me too. pretty great to be able to talk with the oem for our 30+ year old boats isn't it... :cool: i don't think many with old boats can say that.
anyways, great to have ya aboard the aristcraft forum here. ya've found a great resource here i think...


Jun 30, 2004
Re: Hey Everyone

mbiggs, you've got a private message (pm)...