Here's a silly question


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 12, 2003
What is the plug called in the rear of the boat down towards the bottom to drain water???? Are they all the same size? Talk about feeling like a goof ball!!! LOL. Never even drove a boat. I am planing on picking up our motor tomorrow 1980 Johnson 85 horse. Hope to get all the things ready an dtry her out this weekend before the lakes get busy. Anyway, the plug is gone and I am sure having one is pretty important! The boat is a 1965 Pipestone comanche. Thanks in advance ~ Brad,Trish and Kids :rolleyes:


Apr 14, 2002
Re: Here's a silly question

Drain plug....most are standard size at this location on the boat...gitem' at Wal-Mart....Don't put the boat in the water till ya git one....the handle on the plug is of two types, lock lever or screw in t-bar. Adjust lever type by spinning lever on plug to make it swell to jus barley slip in drain hole then flip lever to lock...goes on the inside of the boat. T-bar type is locked in by simply screwing <br />t-bar in.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Here's a silly question

Get two, Brad. Keep the spare in your pocket.<br /><br />Now. What was the silly question? ;)


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Here's a silly question

I would get an experienced boater friend to go with you the first time out. Let him walk you through launching, boating, and trailering basics. Promise him a steak dinner and enough mistakes to keep him laughing at you for a year.<br /><br />Enjoy your new boat.


Re: Here's a silly question

Brad n Trish,<br /><br />Roscoe is giving you VERY sound advice. <br /><br />Make your first trip a pleasant learning expedition, not a disaster.


Mar 6, 2003
Re: Here's a silly question

Could the boat have a threaded garboard assembly and only needs 1/2" pipe plug or 2(spare w/boat)?


Feb 28, 2003
Re: Here's a silly question

the only silly questions are the ones you dont ask. hope you enjoy your boat-good luck and have fun


Rear Admiral
Oct 2, 2001
Re: Here's a silly question

Ya'll need to sign yourselves up for some classes in small boat handling and rules of the road before you make any serious mistakes.<br /><br />c/6<br /><br />Hooty


Nov 24, 2001
Re: Here's a silly question

Hi Brad-n-Trish <br /><br />I spent the best days of my life on the water with my wife and kids, and im sure you will too Brad. Here in Denmark it got a law demand to take a boat handling cource if you drive a boat beyond 25 HP from 2001. Be aware most women take a little longer time getting familiar with wawes and speed than men and kids. Move along carefully and you will have lots of good experiences boating. Dont be afraid to ask other boaters - they will be glad to share their expertice, boating is a hobby.


Nov 24, 2001
Re: Here's a silly question

And remember Brad :<br /><br />There is no such thing as silly questions, but lots of silly answers !!


Rear Admiral
Apr 22, 2002
Re: Here's a silly question

Nothing goof ball about missing Drain Plug. Mine is a 1/2 inch pipe pvc plastic. Some are a rubber plug that go in and then a lever expands. Stick your thum in it to find size and get one when you pick up your motor. Check in your glove box, any floor locker or tool box as almost everyone carry a spare. With out plug most boats sink before get the trailer parked. After hook up fuel line to motor need to squeese primer blub with motor down until tight. Most 2 stroke motors use a 50 to 1 Gas to Oil mix. Ask motor dealer how to choke motor for starting. Never start motor without water going to water pump. Might be a good time to buy a motor flusher so can start at home on a hose. Know where the shifter lock or relese button is so you can shift into foward or reverse. For your first day pick a day without a lot of wind and go somewhere where there is not much current. I been boating since I was 5 and over 50 now but still learning, and every new boat is different and takes some learning. As above if know someone with boating experence take them with you.<br /><br />A few simple tips, Know how to raise and lower your motor (tilt) as many motors will drag the ground if not raised. Also know how to trim your motor. Raise motor before launching or retreiving. Take all the tie down straps off before get on the ramp but leave the front strap and saftey chain on until get over water. If your trailer lights are not water proof or a type that traps air to keep bulbs from getting wet then need to unplug your lights before launching. If cold water hits a hot bulb can cause it to crack. At the waters edge take off winch strap and boat saftey chain, as you back boat in the water have someone holding a line tied to bow and stern clets. Back in slow and note when the back of boat starts to float, this is about how deep want trailer when taking boat out. Back the rest of the way in and allow boat to float off. Good Idea to have a anchore and long anchore line on every boat. Put engine down and start engine before shoving off. Take it slow near the dock so will not make wave for others and have lots of fun fun FUN. If you do not have fenders may want to get some, buy bigger than you think you need. When the wind bolwing or fast current they will protect the hull. Take a camera to record the fun.


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 22, 2002
Re: Here's a silly question

Don't worry about asking stupid questions. Get the drain plugs, and while you're at it find a place where you can attach it with a cord to the boat so it never gets lost. BTW if you want to know what happens with out it check out stupid human tricks while boating/fishing forum. I'm sure you'll get a good laugh. Don't worry everyone forgets to put the plug in at least once. I know I have. :p :D