Re: Here's a pleasant one! Why do dogs.....
One of my dogs does this too. I'd like to break that habit. I'll check out the websites Bob VT has suggested.<br /><br />My best ol' girl, Didi, had a real craving for cow chips. She would pick one up, take it to a nice shady spot, and devour it. Sometimes she'd jump the fence and head for the feedlot at the edge of town. I knew that was where she was going, but I never could figure out where she hid out while she gorged herself. Those were the times I had to restrain myself to prevent child abuse!<br /><br />Didi and her pup JJ had a love for rolling in dead stuff too. I took them out shore fishing one day and let them run. They got into something dead and I could smell them fifty feet away. I lived in an apartment at the time, so on the way home we stopped at a carwash. They didn't like getting washed with high-pressure water, but I was pi$$ed and did not care. I stood on their leashes and let 'em have it.<br /><br />Another time in Idaho, they found a dead badger. They smelled even worse, and had gore smeared all over them selves. That was the worst! They got dunked in the Blackfoot River that afternoon---for all the good it did (which wasn't much!).<br /><br />Those two could really try my patience, but they were worth it. I sure do miss them.