
Oct 23, 2001
I have a 1986 Johnson 150 GT that I think may have a bad ring.It all started when I think the motor over heated,It just shut down and would not turn over.Like it sized up. Took it home, and it turned over with no problem.Did a comp. test and the results are<br />left side top first,all dry. 90 psi, 90 psi.<br />90 psi. Next the right side dry. 93 psi.<br />25 psi. 85 psi.Then I did them wet with Mystery oil same order as above.100 psi. <br />95psi. 100 psi.Right side. 100 psi. 70 psi.<br />100 psi.What do you think is the best thing to do? Is it to big a job to do myself? What is a ball park price if i send it out to get done.Sorry for such a long post, and most of all thanks for your help. <br /> Tony :confused:


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: HELP !!

Howdy, Infish. The good news is that it is probably fixable. That's all the good news there is.<br /><br />At least an overhaul; hone the cylinders and new rings. More likely a rebuild; bore out, new OS pistons and rings, etc. Possible rebuilt powerhead.<br /><br />The cost of the overhaul or rebuild depends on a lot of variables. A rebuilt powerhead will cost you $2500 to $4000, depending on where and from whom you get it, plus installation.<br /><br />You have my sympathy.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB :)