Where would be the best place to mount the transducer? Also, since this is an aluminum boat (Alumacraft), what would be the best sealant for the mounting screws?
Mount the transducer in accordance with the instructions. If you don't have any isntructions, mount it as far away from the engine as you can. I see some strakes on the bottom of the hull. Do not mount the transducer in line with those. They create turbulence that will screw up the reading. Mount midway between those strakes.
Glue and bolt a nice board or fake wood board above the waterline that runs down just shy of the bottom of the boat and then mount the transducer to the board. Then you don't have to drill holes in the transome and risk leaks.
You stand more of a risk of losing the board than developing a leak. Seal the holes with silicone, or any one of the dozens of commercial marine sealers.
On my aluminum I have it located in the area thet is where your pitot is located. Directly between the 2 strakes. You should be able to mount it beside the pitot (right side) or to the right of the right strake. I used 3M 4200 to seal the mounting screws (put some on the threades before screwing them in) I ran the cable straight up and through the motor well scupper/drain and in through the cable boot. If you don't have motor well drains it can be run up and over the transom.
After re-examining your photos I would install it half way between the pitot and right side strake and run the cable with the pitot hose.
This is exactly how mine is setup except the pitot is a paddle wheel on my boat. It works perfectly.
I would not mount it that close to the pitot as it creates turbulence as well. On the right side of the outer most strake would be my choice, or between the two strakes on the port side of the boat.
I don't use the pitot so I keep it flipped up all the time. But I like the idea of having the transponder further out to the side of the boat. I often pull the boat up on shore behind my house and it would be less likely to hit bottom towards the outer edge.
Thanks for everyone's help.